For Kids

Illustration of two small sailboats with red hulls and white sails.

Illustration by Inge Wessels

There's always something special going on for kids at the park.

Sing a sea chantey, create a maritime craft, earn a Junior Ranger badge, and take the wheel of a 19th century sailing ship.

Check the Calendar for program dates and times.

Kids ages 5-12 can pick up a free Junior Ranger Program activity booklet at the ticket booth or in the Visitor Center. Learn about the park and earn a badge.

Explore the exhibits in the Visitor Center and stroll down Hyde Street Pier.

Have a picnic and play on the beach.


Last updated: November 2, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

2 Marina Boulevard,
Building E, 2nd Floor

San Francisco, CA 94123


415 561-7100
The public information office is open from 8 am to 5 pm PST.

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