
1. Senate Misc. Doc. 21, 52nd Congress.

2. Sundry Civil Act of June 6, 1900, Pub. 163, 56th Congress, 31 Stat. 622; House Doc. 135, 56th Congress, Dec. 6, 1900.

3. House Doc. 135.

4. The Improvement of the Park System of the District of Columbia (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1902), p. 11.

5. Ibid., pp. 85-86.

6. S. 3883 and H.R. 11047, 56th Congress; Georgetown Citizens' Association resolution and related correspondence in records, Office of the Engineer Commissioner of the District of Columbia, 1897-1918, RG 42, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

7. S. 7169, 58th Congress; letter, Henry Grant to Sen. H.J. Callinger, Feb. 21, 1905, Office of the Engineer Commissioner.

8. Senate Doc. 458, 60th Congress, May 21, 1908.

9. Ibid., p. 2.

10. Ibid., pp. 2, 24.

11. Ibid., p. 5.

12. Ibid., pp. 5-6.

13. S. 10851, 61st Congress; letter, Burnham to Col. Spencer Cosby, CFA secretary, Mar. 16, 1911, Rock Creek Park Correspondence project file, Commission of Fine Arts records, RG 66, National Archives; Olmsted, "Report for Senator Wetmore on the Rock Creek Matter," Mar. 17, 1911, ibid.

14. S. 2366, 62nd Congress; 47 Congressional Record 3498; H.R. 28766, 62nd Congress; 49 Congressional Record 4050, Reb. 26, 1913.

15. 49 Congressional Record 4247, 4376-77, 4700.

16. Ibid., pp. 4693-94, 4816; Pub. 432, 62nd Congress, 37 Stat. 885. See appendix for provision in full.

17. House Doc. 999, 63rd Congress, May 23, 1914; Sundry Civil Act of Mar. 3, 1915, Pub. 263, 63rd Congress.

18. Report of the Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway Commission: 1916 House Doc. 1114, 64th Congress, pp. 10-17.

19. Ibid., pp. 11, 45-46.

20. Ibid., pp. 12-14.

21. Ibid., pp. 15-16; George E. Clark, "Estimates on the Development of Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway," July 1, 1929, report in the Historic Resources Services Division, National Capital Region, National Park Service.

22. Pub. 132, 64th Congress, July 1, 39 Stat. 282; Clark, "Estimates on the Development of Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway," p. 17.

23. Pub. 138, 62nd Congress, 37 Stat. 93; USA v. C & O Canal Company et al., Equity No. 31580, Supreme Court, District of Columbia; memorandum, George E. Clark to Lt. Col. Clarence O. Sherrill, July 27, 1923, General Records of the Executive and Disbursing Officer, Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway Commission, RG 42, National Archives; letter, Acting Attorney General W.D. Riter to Sherrill, Aug. 30, 1923, ibid.

24. Letter, Grant to William P. Richards, May 26, 1930, Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway Commission records; other correspondence ibid.

25. Clark, "Estimates on the Development of Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway," p. 17; H.R. 4785, 69th Congress; 67 Congressional Record 1862, 8442-43; Pub. 179, 69th Congress, May 5, 1926, 44 Stat. 396.

26. Letter, Col. Clarence S. Ridley to Ansell, Jan. 11, 1918, Rock Creek Park Correspondence project file, Commission of Fine Arts records; Sundry Civil Act of June 5, 1920, Pub. 246, 66th Congress, 41. Stat. 890; Pub. 457, 67th Congress, Feb. 28, 1923, 42 Stat. 1366.

27. Letter, Grant to Rep. Finis J. Garrett, Jan. 11, 1927, in House Rept. 1748, 69th Congress; 68 Congressional Record 1812; Pub. 533, 69th Congress, Jan. 20, 1927, 44 Stat. 1007.

28. Letter, Grant to Rep. Richard N. Elliott, Jan. 16, 1929, in House Rept. 2210, 70th Congress; Pub. 968, 70th Congress, 45 Stat. 1523.

29. Letter, Grant to Mitchell and letter, George E. Clark to Henry H. Glassie, Feb. 16, 1931, Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway Commission records.

30. Letter, Sherrill to Moore, October 23, 1925, Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway General project file, Commission of Fine Arts records.

31. "Work Progressing on Link Connecting Washington Parks," Washington Post, Apr. 3, 1927, p. 5.

32. "Reach Agreement for Parkway Span Over Rock Creek," Evening Star, Oct. 14, 1931, Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway Clippings project file, Commission of Fine Arts records.

33. Letter, Olmsted to Moore, Sept. 26, 1925, Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway General project file, Commission of Fine Arts records.

34. Letter, Henry B.F. Macfarland to Rep. J.W. Babcock, Nov. 21, 1905, in House Rept. 5483, 59th Congress; Pub. 135, 59th Congress, 34 Stat. 1000.

35. Minutes of the Board of Control, Oct. 30, 1908, RG 42, National Archives.

36. Report of the Secretary, Board of Control of Rock Creek Park, Operations from the Establishment of the Park, September 27, 1890. to June 30, 1912 (Washington, 1912), p. 8; Senate Rept. 480, 67th Congress, Feb. 3, 1922; Klingle Valley administrative file, National Capital Park and Planning Commission records, RG 328, National Archives.

37. Pub. 202, 68th Congress, 43 Stat. 463.

38. Pub. 158, 69th Congress, Apr. 30, 1926, 44 Stat. 374.

39. Quoted in Charles W. Eliot II, "Park System for the National Capital, Washington Region," February 1927, Cooperation with Maryland (General) file 545-95-25, National Capital Park and Planning Commission records.

40. Letter, Sherrill to Ritchie, Sept. 11, 1925, Cooperation with Maryland (General) file 545-95-25, National Capital Park and Planning Commission records; letter, Ritchie to Sherrill, Sept. 14, 1925, ibid.; other documents ibid.

41. H.R. 26, 71st Congress, Apr. 15, 1929; House Rept. 55, 71st Congress, Dec. 18, 1929; 72 Congressional Record 1084-86, 2724.

42. Senate Rept. 458, 71st Congress, Apr. 17, 1930; 72 Congressional Record 8850, 9371; Pub. 284, 71st Congress, 46 Stat. 484.

43. Counting Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway and the tributary parklands not officially park of Rock Creek Park, there are between 2,100 and 2,200 acres of federal parkland in the District portion of Rock Creek valley.

44. Pub. 441, 61st Congress, Mar. 2, 1911, 36 Stat. 1005.

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