Return to the 1864 Sesquicentennial page. Learn more about the battles of Fort Harrison and New Market Heights. Download the visitor guide (4mb) for the park's Fort Harrison/New Market Heights commemoration. ![]() (shown: first page of the telegram) Library of Congress Sesquicentennial Programs
All times and locations are current as of September 24, 2014, but may be subject to change. Please check this page or the park's Facebook page for any updates.
Unless otherwise indicated, all programs are free and take place or depart from the Fort Harrison Visitor Center at 8621 Battlefield Park Road, Varina 23231.
Saturday, September 13
Saturday, September 27· All-day bus tour (9:00am to 5:00pm): Siege of Richmond and Petersburg -- This is a 150th anniversary tour of the September 29-October 1 fighting below Richmond and below Petersburg with historian Richard Sommers. The tour will include visits to New Market Heights and forts Harrison, Hoke, Johnson, and Gilmer, to look at anniversary operations north of the James. It also will visit sites south of Petersburg, including forts Archer, Fisher, Welch and Urmston, in connection with the anniversaries of the fighting there. This bus tour will involve a mix of driving and walking, although much of the day will be spent outdoors, walking on uneven and rough terrain. Please wear appropriate shoes and clothes for possibly warm and/or damp weather, and bring water and a lunch. The tour cost is $40 and reservations are required – please call 804-335-8100 to register. The tour will depart from the parking lot maintained by Henrico County at 3300 New Market Road. It is on the north side of Route 5, immediately across the road from the Dairy Queen, and immediately east of the northbound onramp for Interstate 295. (Our apologies, but this tour is now sold out.) · Ongoing all day at the Fort Harrison Visitor Center (9:00am to 5:00pm): o Visitor Center open o Family / educational activities o History Trolley tours of the fortifications along Battlefield Park and Hoke-Brady roads (departing approximately every hour and a half), led by Park Historian Robert E.L. Krick. · Special Programs (at Fort Harrison): o 9:30am: The Union Assault on Fort Harrison (Ranger-led tour) o 11:00am: Fields of Fire: Infantry Tactics in 1864 / Cannon's Roar: Artillery at Fort Harrison (firing demonstration) o 12:15pm: The Battle for Fort Harrison -- History and Historic Photos (Ranger-led tour) o 2:00pm: Fields of Fire: Infantry Tactics in 1864 / Cannon's Roar: Artillery at Fort Harrison (firing demonstration) o 2:45pm: "The Line Disappeared as if Swallowed by an Earthquake": The Battle for Fort Gilmer (Ranger-led tour -- shuttle departs the Fort Harrison Visitor Center at 2:45pm) Note: At 5:00pm, the park will be participating in a commemorative ceremony at Henrico County's reenactment of the Battle of New Market Heights. More information about the reenactment schedule and logistics can be found below and here. Sunday, September 28· Ongoing all day at the Fort Harrison Visitor Center (9:00am to 4:00pm): o Visitor Center open o Family / educational activities o History Trolley tours of the fortifications along Battlefield Park Road and beyond (departing approximately every hour and a half), with Park Historian Robert E.L. Krick · Special Programs (at Fort Harrison): o 9:30am: The Battle for Fort Harrison -- History and Historic Photos (Ranger-led tour) o 11:00am: Fields of Fire: Infantry Tactics in 1864 / Cannon's Roar: Artillery at Fort Harrison (firing demonstration) o 12:15pm: The Union Assault on Fort Gilmer (Ranger-led tour) o 2:00pm: Fields of Fire: Infantry Tactics in 1864 / Cannon's Roar: Artillery at Fort Harrison (firing demonstration) o 3:00pm: Meet the Author – Richard Sommers and Doug Crenshaw, authors of published histories of the Battle of Fort Harrison Monday, September 29· Special Programs – "On this date, in this place, at this time" o 5:45am: The Battle of Fort Harrison – September 29, 1864 (Ranger-led tour -- shuttles depart from the Fort Harrison Visitor Center at 5:45am) o 6:00am: The Battle of New Market Heights – September 29, 1864 (Ranger-led tour in partnership with Henrico County Recreation and Parks. At 6:00am, shuttles will depart from the parking lot maintained by Henrico County at 3300 New Market Road on the north side of Rt 5.) o 9:00am: Fort Harrison's Medals of Honor (Ranger-led tour of sites within Fort Harrison at the time and in the place where medals of honor were earned during the battle) o 10:45am: Repeat tour -- The Battle of Fort Harrison – September 29, 1864 (Ranger-led tour -- shuttles depart from the Fort Harrison Visitor Center at 10:45am) o 10:45am: Repeat tour -- The Battle of New Market Heights – September 29, 1864 (Ranger-led tour in partnership with Henrico County Recreation and Parks. At 10:45am, shuttles will depart from the parking lot maintained by Henrico County at 3300 New Market Road on the north side of Rt 5.) o 1:00pm: Lunch with the Author – Doug Crenshaw, author of a recently-published history of the Battle of Fort Harrison (bring your own brown-bag lunch and meet in the picnic area on Picnic Road) o 1:45pm: "Death Fairly Reveled in That Ravine": The Union Assault on Fort Gilmer (Ranger-led tour -- shuttles depart from the Fort Harrison Visitor Center at 1:45pm) Tuesday, September 30o 12:30pm: "On this date, in this place, at this time" – The Confederate Counter-Attack at Fort Harrison – September 30, 1864 -- Two ranger-led tours:
o 2:30pm: Repeat tour -- The Confederate Counter-Attack at Fort Harrison – September 30, 1864 -- Two ranger-led tours:
o 4:00pm: 150 Years at Fort Harrison (Ranger-led photo discussion)
Partner Events Check these partner websites for information about other commemorative events the weekend of September 27-28! Henrico County's Reenactment of the Battle of New Market Heights Henrico County Recreation and Parks 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Peeble's Farm Petersburg National Battlefield
Last updated: February 26, 2015