Issue 6: Winter 2001 page 8

Richmond Civil War Day Set for April 28, 2001

This year's Richmond Civil War Day will be held on April 28 at the Tredegar Iron Works. The event will begin at 10:00 am with a dress parade of Living History Interpreters and will run until 4 pm, ending with a formal closing ceremony and awards presentation. Demonstrations will be scheduled throughout the day. Between demonstrations, visitors may tour the camps, interact with Living History Interpreters, visit the Richmond Civil War Visitor Center, tour Tredegar Iron Works and enjoy a walk along the Canal. Musical events, book signings and children's programs will also be featured.

One of the continuing goals of Richmond Civil War Day is to increase awareness about Richmond's role in the Civil War and the war's role in American History. To that end there will be living history interpreters explaining and illustrating the roles of civilians and minority populations in Civil War Richmond, as well as those of the soldiers who fought around Richmond. It is hoped that the day will also increase understanding of the roles of Tredegar Iron Works, the Canal, the James River and the railroads in Richmond's Civil War history.

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Last updated: February 26, 2015

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