The British are Coming!

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Date: December 14, 2017

The British are Coming! 
Richmond National Battlefield Park and Historic St. John’s Church partner in living history event explaining Benedict Arnold’s Raid

RICHMOND, Va.— The British invasion has begun! On Saturday, January 6, the public is invited to join Richmond National Battlefield Park and Historic St. John’s Church for a first-of-its kind event interpreting the capture of Richmond by British Brigadier General Benedict Arnold on January 5, 1781. Dozens of reenactors from New Hampshire to North Carolina will take the field in Church Hill to bring the sounds, smells, and colors of America’s 18th-century history to life!

From 9 am to noon visitors can see British and American Revolutionary War camps on the grounds of the Chimborazo Medical Museum (3215 E Broad St). At 10 am join National Park Service Ranger Nathan Hall in the Chimborazo Medical Museum Theater for a talk about Chimborazo’s evolution from 18th-century battlefield to Civil War hospital to neighborhood, then hear Benedict Arnold describe his role in the American Revolution. At 11 am reenactors will conduct a weapons demonstration on the Chimborazo Medical Museum grounds before marching to Historic St. John’s Church (2401 E Broad St), where they will encamp on the grounds from 1 – 4 pm. The church will hold an open house during those hours.


For more information, please contact Historic St. John’s Church at (804) 690-5619 or the Richmond National Battlefield Park at (804) 226-1981, or visit us online at or


About Richmond National Battlefield Park

Richmond National Battlefield Park is one of over 410 national park areas across the United States. Experiencing the park’s 13 historic sites and five visitor centers usually takes a full day. A driving tour of the battlefields is available at any of the park’s facilities. The main park visitor center is located at Historic Tredegar (470 Tredegar Street in Richmond) and provides museum exhibits, audio-visual programs and orientation services to help plan a visit to the battlefields. For additional information, contact the park at 804-226-1981, or via the internet at or

About St. John’s Church Foundation

The mission of St. John’s Church Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-religious, non-profit organization founded in 1938, is to promote and preserve historic St. John’s Church, a National Historic Landmark in recognition as the original location of Patrick Henry’s “Give me liberty or give me death” speech at the Second Virginia Convention of March 1775, for the education of present and future generations.

Last updated: December 14, 2017

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