2013 National Park System Advisory Board Report

Shows the cover of the report titled "Engaging Independent Perspectives,"with a photo of a group of men and women gathered under a very old and large tree

Engaging Independent Perspectives for a 21st-Century National Park System

2013 National Park System Advisory Board Report

Download the full report (PDF)
In 2013, with the National Park Service Centennial on the horizon, the NPSAB began to seize a great opportunity to connect all Americans with the nation's most special natural and cultural resources. To advance the priority objectives of the NPS as it started to strategize about its next century of service, the National Park System Advisory Board enlisted the involvement of a distinguished group of more than 100 outside subject matter experts to help address specific work.

After receiving NPS Director Jarvis' request in 2010 to address the priorities of stewardship, education, relevancy, and the NPS workforce, the National Park System Advisory Board focused on separate tasks designed to:

Cover of report shows fantastic rock walls in Yosemite Valley reflected in smooth, glass-like water.

Foster Resource Stewardship

1. Plan for a Future National Park System

Offer guidance for developing a new National Park System plan.
Lead: Gretchen Long

2. Recommend National Historic Landmarks (NHLs)

Expand work to recommend a broader, richer representation of America's story in the designation of NHLs.
Lead: Ronald M. James

3. Recommend National Natural Landmarks (NNLs)

Enhance the NNL program by exploring new opportunities to engage additional public and private support, increase awareness of America's diverse natural history, and support the conservation work of NNL owners.
Lead: Belinda Faustinos

4. Support Economic Valuation

Support measurement of the total economic value of the NPS including cooperative programs outside the National Park System.
Lead: Professor Linda Bilmes

5. Revisit the "Leopold Report"

Prepare a contemporary version of the 1963 Leopold Report to help the NPS confront modern challenges in resource management.
Lead:Dr. Rita R. Colwell

Broaden Alliances for Education

6. Expand Collaboration in Education

Help the NPS broaden contacts with educational institutions, expand collaboration with K-12 educational systems, and incorporate parks and programs into educational media.
Lead: Dr. Milton Chen

Increase National Relevancy

7. Explore American Latino Heritage

Develop a theme study to identify American Latino-related places for their significance and recognition in potential new national landmarks and national parks, as well as in existing NPS sites.
Lead: Belinda Faustinos

8. Support the NPS Centennial Campaign

Provide advice for a centennial public awareness initiative to highlight the national park idea.
Lead: Leonore Blitz

9. Build Community Relationships

Explore new approaches for broader relevancy and public engagement. Help identify and recruit partners in diverse communities.
Lead: Dr. Carolyn Finney

Advance Workforce Innovations

10. Support Leadership Development

Provide advice on NPS leadership, workforce, organizational development, and more effectively advancing innovation.
Lead: Dr. Margaret Wheatley

Last updated: December 10, 2024