News Release

Celebrate Labor Day In Pullman 2018

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Date: September 15, 2018

Pullman National Monument News Release
For Immediate Release
Release Date:  August 28, 2018
Contact:  Sue Bennett (2018 Event Coordinator), 773-468-3813
Celebrate Labor Day in Pullman
Chicago – Join us at Pullman National Monument and Pullman State Historic Site from 2 -5 pm on Labor Day, Monday, September 3, 2018 to celebrate Labor Day and the Illinois Bicentennial. This free outdoor event at the historic Hotel Florence at 11111 S. Forrestville Ave (111th and S. Cottage Grove Ave.) celebrates the contributions workers have made to the strength and prosperity of America. Learn about the infamous 1894 Pullman Strike, Eugene Debs and the American Railway Union, and the Pullman company. The family friendly event also celebrates the significant roles railroads have played in Illinois history. “Little Obie,” from Canadian National Railways, is offering free “train rides” around the block while promoting rail safety in collaboration with Operation Lifesaver. The event starts off with Illinois inspired Labor and folk music by Bucky Halker and Don Stiernberg. We switch gears at 3:00 to enjoy the “Protocol Combo” (part of Navy Band Great Lakes) performing jazz and R&B with vocals. Tour the factory complex where the train cars were manufactured with a Park Guide at 2:30 and 4:30. Encounter historic Labor figures (actors) to learn about labor perspectives of the time. Take a walking tour at 3:30 with an Illinois Labor History Society volunteer. Enjoy the outdoor exhibits at the event, as well as indoor exhibits at the Historic Pullman Foundation Visitor Center.  Grindhouse Food Truck will be on-site and pop-up’s at nearby Greenstone Church and Laney’s Bakery will offer special treats.

Schedule of Events for Monday, September 3, 2018
2:00  Labor Music by Bucky Halker and Don Stiernberg
2:30 & 4:30 National Park Guides lead Factory Complex tours
3:00 Navy Band Great Lakes “Protocol Combo” performs (jazz with R&B / vocals)
3:30 IL Labor History Society leads a walking tour of town
4:00 Historic “Music Inspired By Pullman” – recordings hosted by Friends of Pullman State Historic Site

Ongoing- Exhibits, interaction with historic Labor Leaders (actors), CN’s Little Obie train rides, food and drink available. This event moves indoors for severe weather at 11141 S. Cottage Grove Ave.

Sponsors of the event are: National Park Service (Pullman National Monument), Illinois Department of Natural Resources (Pullman State Historic Site), Friends of Pullman State Historic Site, Illinois Labor History Society, Historic Pullman Foundation, and National A. Philip Randolph Pullman Porter Museum. Endorsed event by the Illinois Bicentennial Commission. For more formation visit or


Last updated: September 15, 2018

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