Parking AreasThese are designated parking areas in Pinnacles National Park. There are two separate entrances to the park that do not connect. RVs, trailers, and large vehicles are not recommended to enter through the west side of the park, as much of it is steep and narrow and in some places a single lane wide. Parking is limited and can fill early mornings, especially on weekends and holidays. All parking lots may fill on busy days, particularly in spring. When parking is full, access to these areas may be limited. There is currently no shuttle service; it runs seasonally on the east side of the park. Park only in marked parking spaces. Do not park along roadsides; this damages vegetation and increases fire threats. Be flexible with your plans and be prepared. Parking Lot Bear Gulch Day Use Area
Bear Gulch is situated near hills dotted with Blue Oak trees and Grey Pines. Rock Formations can be seen in the distance between two hillsides. Parking area for Condor Gulch, Moses Spring Trail, and High Peaks trailheads. Location of the Bear Gulch Nature Center. It is located on the east side of Pinnacles.
Fees While there is no fee to park here there is a park entrance fee. Cost: $0.00 Amenities
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Parking Lot Chaparral Parking Area
This is the preferred parking area on the west side of the park that offers stunning views of the rock formations. It can hold a total of 43 vehicles, 1 is designated for ADA. It is the closest parking for popular hikes such as the Balconies Cave Loop and Juniper Canyon Trail Loop.
Fees No fee to park but there is a park entrance fee. Cost: $0.00 Amenities
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Parking Lot Jawbone Parking Area
This west side gravel parking area can accomodate roughly 30 vehicles. It is situated near chaparral covered hillsides and grey pine trees. There is a connector trail to the Chaparral Parking area as well as access to the Jawbone Trail across the main roadway.
Fees There is no fee to park but there is a park entrance fee. Cost: $0.00 Amenities
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Parking Lot Manzanita Parking
This parking lot is just before the Bear Gulch and Old Pinnacles intersection. It is situated on the shoulder of the East Entrance Road just after the Peaks View Parking Area. The Bench Trail is located across the crosswalk. It is located on the east side of Pinnacles.
Fee There is no fee to park here but there is a park entrance fee. Cost: $0.00 Amenities
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Parking Lot Moses Spring Parking Area
This small parking area is located at the end of the road near Bear Gulch Day Use Area. It is the nearest parking to the Moses Spring Trailhead. It is located on the east side of Pinnacles.
Fees No fee to park but there is a park entrance fee. Cost: $0.00 Amenities
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Parking Lot Old Pinnacles Parking Area
Gravel parking area situated near a seasonal creek and a hillside blanketed with shrubs, blue oak, and grey pine trees. It is located past Peaks View and Manzanita Parking Areas. Old Pinnacles Parking Area is along the Chalone Creek Road which is adjacent the East Entrance Road. It is located on the east side of Pinnacles.
Fees No fee to park but there is a park entrance fee. Cost: $0.00 Amenities
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Parking Lot Overflow parking
Gravel parking area on the east side of Pinnacles located in the campground behind the campground store and pool. This is the parking area to utilize shuttles that run seasonally up to Bear Gulch Day Use Area. Picnic tables and elevated fire grills are available under large Vally Oak trees. The Bacon Ranch is a short walk from here and the Bench Trail is the only trail that leads out of the campground.
Fees No fee to park here but there is a park entrance fee. Cost: $0.00 Amenities
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Parking Lot Peaks View Parking Area
Peaks View is a paved parking area on the east side near a seasonal stream surrounded by rolling chaparral covered hills. It is is midway from the camground and Bear Gulch and Old Pinnacles parking areas. There is ADA parking, an accessible vault restroom, water station, picnic tables, and spotting scopes with a bench. Trail access to the Bench Trail, ADA access to a portion of the Bench Trail. The Bench Trail connects to South Wilderness Trail, Sycamore Trail, Blue Oak Trail, and Old Pinnacles Trail.
Fees No fee to park but there is a park entrance fee. Cost: $0.00 Amenities
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Parking Lot West Visitor Contact Station Parking
This parking area is the first upon entering the west side of the park. It is located next to the West Visitor Contact Station and can accomodate 40 vehicles, 2 of which are designated for ADA parking. Visitors can access the Prewett Point Trail and Jawbone Trail from this area and be rewarded with exceptional views of the Pinnacles rock formations.
Fees No fee to park but there is an entrance fee. Cost: $0.00 Amenities
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Last updated: September 2, 2024