Brothers Assigned to the USS Arizona

Delbert Anderson, a young male sailor, is walking along the street.
Delbert Anderson

Brotherhood and Sacrifice: Families on the USS Arizona

On December 7, 1941, Japanese bombs tore through the hull of the USS Arizona, igniting a massive fireball that claimed thousands of lives. Yet, amidst the destruction, the deep bonds of brotherhood endured.

Serving aboard the Arizona were 38 sets of brothers and a father and son. These families, tied by blood and duty, chose to stay together, sharing the same fate. But their loved ones back home feared the unimaginable—losing all of their boys in a single disaster. These fears became tragically real as the Arizona sank, taking 23 sets of brothers and a father and son with it.

The heartbreak from such losses prompted the Navy to issue a bulletin early in the war, advising against family members serving together on the same ship. However, no formal regulations followed. Even the death of the five Sullivan brothers aboard the USS Juneau in 1942 did not result in stricter policies, as brothers continued to enlist and serve side by side, determined to stay together despite the risks.

The desire to be with family remains strong to this day. While warnings are still given to families requesting to serve together, if their ship is not in a hostile area, they may be stationed alongside their loved ones. For many, the need to stay close to family outweighs the dangers. Simply put, brothers will always want to be brothers.

John Anderson, USS Arizona survivor
John Anderson

The Story of John and Delbert Anderson

John Anderson, a USS Arizona survivor, was one such brother. As the Arizona sank, Anderson was ordered onto a barge evacuating the wounded to Ford Island. But John refused, saying, "I can't go, my brother's up there." Forced onto the barge, he returned after landing, determined to find his twin brother, Delbert, among the flames and wreckage. Despite his courageous search, he never found Delbert.

The Brothers of the USS Arizona

The Arizona’s brothers were more than comrades—they were each other's family. Separated from their loved ones back home, they relied on each other for strength and unity. Their bond was more than just that of shipmates; it was a brotherhood that led many to die together.

  • A total of 79 brothers served aboard the USS Arizona.
  • Of these, 63 brothers died during the attack, but only four were recovered and identified: George Bromley, Donald and Joseph Lakin, and Gordon Shive.
  • The remaining 59 brothers remain unaccounted for, lost to the sea.
  • Among the 38 sets of brothers, three sets were made up of three brothers each: the Beckers, the Dohertys, and the Murdocks. One brother from each set survived.
  • The only set of brothers to survive intact were the Warriners. Kenneth was in San Diego training at Fleet Signal School, though still assigned to the USS Arizona. His brother, Russell, was badly burned but survived the attack.
  • In addition to the brothers, a father and son also served aboard the Arizona: Thomas Augusta Free and his son William Thomas Free. Both were killed in action.

Last updated: September 20, 2024

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