The Embattled Wilderness
NPS Arrowhead logo

II. The Art of Promotion
ad, woman on skis
12. Railroad promotion of Yosemite National Park took many suggestive and colorful forms. Posters and brochures, for example, commonly featured Gibson Girls, such as this young woman on skis, ca. 1910. The fanciful imagery aside, note the emerging attention to winter sports as a means of lengthening the normal travel season. Courtesy of the Yosemite National Park Research Library.

ad, Half Dome
13. As an evocative symbol of Yosemite, Half Dome has no equal. Literally scores of commercial artists have featured the landmark. This brochure cover, ca. 1910, is a striking example of the use of Half Dome's special qualities for advertising and promotion. Courtesy of the Yosemite National Park Research Library.

ad, sequoias
14. Whether natural or artificial, Yosemite's renowned attractions lured advertisers eager to promote their products through the powers of association. In 1920 the Horseshoe Route featured Inspiration Point and the Wawona Tunnel Tree. Courtesy of the Yosemite National Park Research Library.


Yosemite: The Embattled Wilderness
©1990, University of Nebraska Press
runte2/photo2-2.htm — 17-Mar-2004