Pony Express
Historic Resource Study
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Illustration courtesy of Pony Express Stables Museum, St. Joseph, MO

List of Illustrations


Map of Pony Express National Historic Trail (~112K)

Introduction — Myth and Reality of the Pony Express

Chapter One — By Ocean or By Land: Roots of the Pony Express

Ocean Route Mail Service
Overland Mail Service, 1848-1856
Overland Mail Service Improvement Policy, 1857-1858
Butterfield Overland Mail Service, 1857
Redevelopment of a Central Overland Mail Route
Additional Overland and Ocean Mail Routes
North vs. South/Land vs. Ocean
Postal Reform, 1859

Chapter Two — The Great Race Against Time: Birth of the Pony Express

William H. Russell, Alexander Majors, and William B. Waddell
The Firm of Russell, Majors, and Waddell
Freighting Experience
Leavenworth & Pike's Peak Express Company
Birth of an Idea
Organizing the Pony Express
"Great Race Against Time," First Run: April 3, 1860

Chapter Three — Organization and Operation of Pony Express, 1860-1861

Organization of the "Ideal" Pony Express
Operation of the Pony Express, 1860
Operation of the Pony Express, 1861
Overland Mail Company Contract
Continued Operation of the Pony Express, 1861

Chapter Four — Division One: Stations between St. Joseph and Fort Kearney



1. St. Joseph Station Area


2. Troy Station
3. Lewis Station
4. Kennekuk (Kinnekuk) Station
5. Kickapoo/Goteschall Station
6. Log Chain Station
7. Seneca Station
8. Ash Point/Laramie Creek Station
9. Guittard (Gantard's, Guttard) Station
10. Marysville Station
11. Cottonwood/Hollenberg Station
12. Atchison Station
13. Lancaster Station


14. Rock House Station
15. Rock/Turkey Creek Station
16. Virginia City
17. Big Sandy Station
18. Millersville/Thompson's Station
19. Kiowa Station
20. Little Blue/Oak Grove Station
21. Liberty Farm Station
22. Spring Ranch/Lone Tree Station
23. Thirty-two Mile Creek Station
24. Sand Hill/Summit Station
25. Hook's/Kearney/Valley Station
26. Fort Kearney Summary

Chapter Five — Division Two: Stations between Ft. Kearney and Horseshoe Creek


Nebraska (continued):

27. Seventeen Mile/Platte Station
28. Garden Station
29. Plum Creek Station
30. Willow Island/Willow Bend Station
31. Cold Water/Midway Ranch Station
32. Gilman's Station
33. Machette's Station (Gothenburg)
34. Cottonwood Springs Station
35. Cold Springs Station
36. Fremont Springs Station
37. O'Fallon's Bluff/Dansey's/Elkhorn Station
38. Alkali Lake Station
39. Gill's/Sand Hill Station
40. Diamond Springs Station
41. Beauvais Ranch Station


42. Frontz's/South Platte Station
43. Julesburg Station

Nebraska (continued):

44. Nine Mile Station
45. Pole Creek No. 2 Station
46. Pole Creek No. 3 Station
47. Midway Station
48. Mud Springs Station
49. Court House (Rock) Station
50. Chimney Rock Station
51. Ficklin's Springs Station
52. Scott's Bluff(s) Station
53. Horse Creek Station


54. Cold Springs/Spring Ranch/Torrington Station
55. Verdling's/Bordeaux/Bedeau's Ranch/Fort Benard Station
56. Fort Laramie Station
57. Nine Mile/Sand Point/Ward's/Central Star Station
58. Cottonwood Station
59. Horseshoe Creek/Horseshoe Station Summary

Chapter Six — Division Three: Stations between Horseshoe Creek and Salt Lake City


Wyoming (continued):

60. Elk Horn Station
61. La Bonte Station
62. Bed Tick Station
63. Lapierelle/La Prele Station
64. Box Elder (Creek) Station
65. Deer Creek Station
66. Little Muddy Station
67. Bridger Station
68. Platte Bridge/North Platte Station
69. Red Butte (s) Station
70. Willow Springs Station
71. Horse/Greesewood Creek Station
72. Sweetwater Station
73. Devil's Gate Station
74. Plant's/Plante Station
75. Split Rock Station
76. Three Crossings Station
77. Ice Slough/Ice Springs Station
78. Warm Springs Station
79. Rocky Ridge/St. Mary's Station
80. Rock Creek Station
81. Upper Sweetwater/South Pass Station
82. Pacific Springs Station
83. Dry Sandy Station
84. Little Sandy Creek Station
85. Big Sandy Station
86. Big Timber Station
87. Green River (Crossing) Station
88. Michael Martin's Station
89. Ham's Fork Station
90. Church Butte(s) Station
91. Millersville Station
92. Fort Bridger
93. Muddy Creek Station
94. Quaking Asp/Aspen/Springs Station
95. Bear River Station


96. The Needles/Needle Rock(s) Station
97. (Head of) Echo Canyon Station
98. Halfway Station
99. Weber Station
100. Brimville Emergency Station
101. Carson House Station
102. East Canyon Station
103. Wheaton Springs Station
104. Mountain Dell/Dale Station
105. Salt Lake City Station


Chapter Seven — Division Four: Stations between Salt Lake City and Robert's Creek



106. Trader's Rest/Traveler's Rest Station
107. Rockwell's Station
108. Dugout/Joe's Dugout Station
109. Camp Floyd/Fairfield Station
110. Pass/East Rush Valley Station
111. Rush Valley/Faust's Station
112. Point Lookout/Lookout Pass Station
113. Government Creek Station
114. Simpson's Springs/Egan's Springs Station
115. River Bed Station
116. Dugway Station
117. Black Rock Station
118. Fish Springs Station
119. Boyd's Station
120. Willow Springs Station
121. Willow Creek Station
122. Canyon/Burnt Station
123. Deep Creek Station


124. Prairie Gate/Eight Mile Station
125. Antelope Springs Station
126. Spring Valley Station
127. Schell Creek Station
128. Egan's Canyon/Egan's Station
129. Bates'/Butte Station
130. Mountain Spring(s) Station
131. Ruby Valley Station
132. Jacob's Well Station
133. Diamond Springs Station
134. Sulphur Springs Station
135. Roberts Creek Station


Chapter Eight — Division Five: Stations between Roberts Creek and Sacramento


Nevada (continued):

136. Camp Station/Grub(b)s Well Station
137. Dry Creek Station
138. Simpson Park Station
139. Reese River/Jacob's Spring Station
140. Dry Wells Station
141. Smith's Creek Station
142. Castle Rock Station
143. Edward's Creek Station
144. Cold Springs/East Gate Station
145. Middle Gate Station
146. West Gate Station
147. Sand Springs Station
148. Sand Hill Station
149. Carson Sink/Sink of the Carson Station
150. Williams Station
151. Desert/Hooten Wells Station
152. Buckland's Station
153. Fort Churchill Station
154. Fairview Station
155. Mountain Well Station
156. Stillwater Station
157. Old River Station
158. Bisby's Station
159. Nevada Station
160. Ragtown Station
161. Desert Wells Station
162. Miller's/Reed's Station
163. Dayton Station
164. Carson City Station
165. Genoa Station
166. Friday's/Lakeside Station


167. Woodford's Station
168. Fountain Place Station
169. Yank's Station
170. Strawberry Station
171. Webster's/Sugar Loaf House Station
172. Moss/Moore/Riverton Station
173. Sportsman's Hall Station
174. Placerville Station
175. El Dorado/Nevada House/Mud Springs Station
176. Mormon Tavern/Sunrise House Station
177. Fifteen Mile House Station
178. Five Mile House Station
179. Pleasant Grove House Station
180. Duroc Station
181. Folsom Station
182. Sacramento Station
183. Benicia, Martinez, and Oakland Stations
184. San Francisco Station


Chapter Nine: — Significance of Pony Express National Historic Trail and Recommendations

Suggestions for Further Research on the Pony Express National Historic Trail

Annotated Bibliography

Primary Resources
Secondary Resources

Select Bibliography

Illustration 1: William H. Russell
Illustration 2: Alexander Majors
Illustration 3: William B. Waddell
Illustration 4: "Composite Sample" of Pony Express Poster
Illustration 5: Typical Advertisement for Pony Express
Illustration 6: Typical List of Pony Express Letter Arrivals
Illustration 7: Pony Express Marker at South Platte Station
Illustration 8: Three Crossing Pony Express Station
Illustration 9: Monument to Pt. Lookout Pony Express Station
Illustration 10: Fish Springs Pony Express Station
Illustration 11: Diamond Springs Pony Express Station
Illustration 12: Illustration of "Last Days of the Pony Express"

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Last Updated: 17-Jan-2008