Survey of
Historic Sites and Buildings
THE passage of some 170 years and the emergence of an
industrial technological America have wrought vast changes along the
route of Lewis and Clarkchanges they could never possibly have
envisioned. Although not even the most enthusiastic preservationist
would expect the land to remain totally unchanged, the scarcity of sites
associated with the expedition is astonishing.
That the rampaging Missouri River Lewis and Clark
knew would be tamed, that many of their campsites would be submerged,
that most of the native trails they traversed would disappear from the
plains and mountains, that the majestic Great Falls of the Missouri
would be reduced to a trickleall would seem unbelievable to the
two captains. That the vast herds of buffalo, elk, and antelope, as well
as the numerous grizzly, would be all but extinct, except where
sanctuary exists, would seem equally as preposterous. The disappearance
of the great falls of the Columbia would be beyond comprehension.
Yet, all this has come to passand more. As a
matter of fact, were Lewis and Clark alive today, they would be unable
to recognize many parts of their route and the raw wilderness they
encountered. Where once were swirling and dangerous rapids, in many
places today water skiers glide over glassy waters; where once salmon
and other fish swarmed in the crystal-clear rivers or wildlife thrived
along their banks, are often polluted streams and semibarren land; where
once powerful currents lashed at riverbanks, are frequently huge levees;
where once were dense forests and fertile soil, are sometimes scarred,
depleted, and eroded areas.
Official emblem of the Lewis and Clark Trail Commission. This symbol,
slightly modified, highlights the trail throughout the West.
(Bureau of Outdoor Recreation.) |
THE greatest alteration to the Lewis and Clark
routeprimarily a watercourse along the Missouri and Columbia River
drainageshas been made by the dams constructed by the Army Corps
of Engineers, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, and private power
companies. In the process of remaking the river systems, they have
provided industry with energy, brought payrolls, furnished irrigation
water and electricity to farmers and ranchers, controlled floods and
erosion, and enhanced recreational facilities. Regrettably, losses have
occurred from the archeological and historical points of view.
Only relatively short stretches of the Missouri and
the Columbia remain in an unharnessed state, and in other places the
worst bends have been sliced away to improve navigation and reduce
erosion. The Middle Missouri has been transformed. Beginning at a point
just above Yankton, on the South Dakota-Nebraska border, six Corps of
Engineers dams have converted the once-rugged stream into a string of
placid lakessometimes known as the "Great Lakes of the Missouri."
Extending from Nebraska across both Dakotas and into Montana, in order
upriver these dams (reservoirs in parentheses) are: Gavins Point (Lewis
and Clark Lake), Fort Randall (Lake Francis Case), Big Bend (Lake
Sharpe), Oahe (Oahe Reservoir), Garrison (Lake Sakakawea), and Fort Peck
(Fort Peck Reservoir).
The tail waters of each of these reservoirs
practically laps at the face of the next. They have impounded thousands
of square miles of water, inundated thousands of acres of river valley,
and obliterated many prehistoric and historic placesnot only those
related to the Lewis and Clark Expedition, but also those of Indian
villages and hunting grounds, fur trading posts, missions, battlefields,
and emigrant routes.
Oahe Reservoir covers the Corson County, S. Dak.,
sites of the three Arikara villages that the expedition visited in 1804
and 1806 and that of Fort Manuel, the apparent location of Sacagawea's
death and possibly that of her grave. Point of Reunion (Mountrail
County), N. Dak., where the two Lewis and Clark elements reunited on the
return trip after separating at Travelers Rest, Mont., lies beneath Lake
Fortunately, just before the dam construction
occurred, in 1946, the Missouri Basin Project, part of the River Basin
Surveys of the Inter-Agency Archeological Salvage Program, began to
investigate sites scheduled for inundation by the Corps of Engineers and
the Bureau of Reclamation. Within rigid budgetary and time limitations
and using both governmental and private funds, the National Park
Service, Smithsonian Institution, and various universities and
historical societies surveyed, investigated, excavated, and researched
scores of paleontological, prehistoric, and historic sites. Photographs
were taken, artifacts collected, data recorded, and many of the results
Farther upriver, at the Great Falls of the Missouri
extensive hydroelectric development has been carried out by the Montana
Power Company along a 9-mile stretch of the Missouri near the city of
Great Falls. Five dams utilize the power generated by the several
Beginning another 84 miles upstream are the Montana
Power Company's Holter (Holter Lake) and Hauser (Hauser Lake and Lake
Helena) Dams, as well as the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's Canyon Ferry
Dam and Reservoir, which extends as far as Townsend, Mont. The river is
submerged at one place in the area to a depth of nearly 100 feet.
Included is the spectacular gash in the 1,200-foot granite heights known
to Lewis and Clark as the "Gates of the Rocky Mountains." But the sheer
rock walls still tower above the gorge so overpoweringly that the only
perceptible difference is the still water that has replaced the
once-powerful current.
Modern America has left its mark along the Lewis and Clark route.
Pictured here are grain elevators at Wallula Gap, Wash. Lewis and Clark
met the Walla Walla Indians in this area. (Bureau of Outdoor Recreation (Blair, 1964).) |
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's Clark Canyon Dam
(Hap Hawkins Lake), on the Upper Beaverhead River, has eradicated a
major Lewis and Clark site, Camp Fortunate (Beaverhead County), Mont. It
was the scene of many key events, especially on the westbound
From Clarkston, Wash., and Lewiston, Idaho, at the
mouth of the Clearwater, a chain of reservoirs on the Snake and Columbia
reaches 320 river miles to Bonneville Dam, only 145 miles from the
Pacific, and have immeasurably changed the streams. Dams on the Snake
include (east to west) Little Goose, Lower Monumental, and Ice Harbor,
all operated by the Corps of Engineers.
Various Corps of Engineer dams are located on the
Lower Columbia: McNary, John Day, The Dalles, and Bonneville. The latter
two have inundated Celilo Falls, The Dalles (including the Short
Narrows), Long Narrows of the Lower Dalles, and the Cascades (Grand
Rapids)a 55-mile stretch of treacherous falls, rapids, narrows,
and chutes that were a severe problem to the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
Now they all lie quiet and unseen beneath huge artificial lakes;
churning white water and leaping salmon can no longer be seen.
Celilo Falls at some unknown date prior to construction of The Dalles
Dam, which covered the great falls. To the men of the expedition, they
were not only a major obstacle, but also provided a breathtaking view.
(U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.) |
IF man has destroyed and defaced many Lewis and Clark
locales, so too has nature. The rivers themselves have capriciously
meandered in places and swept away or altered sites. Because of a gross
change in the Mississippi channel near St. Louis, the site of Camp Wood,
once on the south bank of the Wood River in Illinois, is now on the
Missouri side of the Mississippi. Another example is the Council Bluffs,
Nebr., location, where the two captains held their first council with
the Indians. Now, instead of being at stream's edge, it is 3 miles away
from the river, which is not even visible from the spot. The wandering
of the Missouri has obscured the site of Fort Mandan, N. Dak., the
1804-5 winter camp, and marred the nearby environment of the
Mandan-Minitari-Amahami villages.
Nature has also altered the landscape. In some areas,
major changes in vegetation have occurred. For example, above the mouth
of the Platte, the hills and bluffs along the Missouri were for the most
part bare of trees and shrubs in 1804-6. Today, the growth is so dense
that one cannot see the river from the crests. The paintings and
drawings of such artists as George Catlin and Karl Bodmer in the 1830's
clearly show the difference.
Last Updated: 22-Feb-2004