Abraham Lincoln Birthplace
Administrative History
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List of Figures


Chapter I: Thomas Lincoln Buys a Farm

Chapter II: As a Monument to his Memory

Chapter III: In Trust for the Nation - The Lincoln Farm Association

Chapter IV: Lincoln Farm and the War Department, 1916-1933

Chapter V: The Park under the Department of the Interior, 1933-1948

Chapter VI: The Park Under the Department of the Interior, 1950-1968

Chapter VII: The Birthplace Cabin Question: The Development of Policy

Appendix A: HR 8351

Appendix B: Deed of Conveyance, Lincoln Farm Association to the United States

Appendix C: HR 15657

Appendix D: S. 2046

Appendix E: HR 3259

Appendix F: HR 5764



Plate I: View of Rock Spring Farm, 1895
Plate II: "The Original Birthplace Cabin," 1895
Plate III: Place where the Cabin Stood Marked by Flagpole, 1905
Plate IX: The Logs on the Train to Louisville, 1906
Plate V: "The Lincoln Log Cabin on its Original Site at the Old Farm," 1909
Plate VI: Richard Lloyd Jones, Clarence Mackay, Robert Collier at the Farm, 1909
Plate VII: The Cornerstone of the Memorial Building, 1909
Plate VIII: Crowd Hearing President Taft, 1911
Plate IX: View of the Memorial Building, 1929
Plate X: The Sinking Spring, 1929
Plate XI: View from Approach Steps to Memorial Building, 1929
Plate XII: Main Entrance, 1934
Plate XIII: Looking Southwest across the Plaza, 1934
Plate XIV: The Nancy Lincoln Inn, 1934
Plate XV: Parking Area, 1934
Plate XVI: "The Old Creal Place," 1934
Plate XVII: Toolhouse, 1934
Plate XVIII: Restrooms and Pavilion, 1939
Plate XIX: Gettysburg Address Plaque
Plate XX: President Dwight Eisenhower at the Memorial, 1954
Plate XXI: The Visitor Center Building, 1929

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Last Updated: 10-Feb-2003