Abraham Lincoln Birthplace
Administrative History
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HR 15657

2nd Session

A BILL To provide for the improvement and preservation of the land and buildings of the Abraham Lincoln National Park or Reservation.

Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress Assembled, That for the purpose of protecting from disintegration and of improving, beautifying, and preserving the Abraham Lincoln National Park or Reservation established under the Act entitled "An Act to accept a deed or gift of conveyance from the Lincoln Farm Association, a corporation, to the United States of America, of land near the town of Hodgenville, county of Larue, State of Kentucky, embracing the homestead of Abraham Lincoln and the log cabin in which he was born, together with the Memorial Hall inclosing the same; and further to accept an assignment or transfer of an endowment fund of $50,000 in relation thereto," approved July 17, 1916 (United States Code, title 16, sections 211-214), the Secretary of War is authorized and directed to provide for (1) the improvement of such existing roadways, walks, and buildings in such park or reservation; and (2) the planting of such trees, plants, and shubbery; the construction of such additional roadways, walks and buildings, and of such fences, parking spaces, drainage structures, culverts and bridges; and the making of such other improvements, as in his judgment may be necessary for the preservation, beautification, and protection from disintegration of such park or reservation, including the log cabin in which Abraham Lincoln was born and the memorial hall inclosing the same, which may serve to render such park or reservation convenient for the appropriate use and enjoyment by the public.

SEC. 2. There is authorized to be appropriated the sum of $100,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary, to carry out the provisions of section 1 of this Act; and authorization is also hereby given for such appropriations as may, in the future, be deemed necessary for the proper protection, preservation, care, maintenance, and operation of the said national park or reservation, including the salaries and compensation of a superintendent and other needed employees.

February 11, 1929

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Last Updated: 10-Feb-2003