Abraham Lincoln Birthplace
Administrative History
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HR 8351

1st Session

A BILL to accept a deed of gift or conveyance from the Lincoln Farm Association, a corporation, to the United States of America, of land near the town of Hodgenville, county of Larue, State of Kentucky, embracing the homestead of Abraham Lincoln and the log cabin in which he was born, together with the memorial hail inclosing the same; and further, to accept an assignment or transfer of an endowment fund of $50,000 in relation thereto.

Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the United States of America hereby accepts title to the lands mentioned in the deed of gift or conveyance now in possession of the Secretary of War, together with all the buildings and appurtenances thereon, especially the log cabin in which Abraham Lincoln was born and the memorial hail inclosing the same, which deed or conveyance was executed on the 19th day of June, nineteen hundred and sixteen, by the Lincoln Farm Association, a corporation, to the United States of America, describing certain lands situated near the town of Hodgenville, county of Larue, State of Kentucky, which lands are more particularly identified in said deed of conveyance. The title to such lands, buildings, and appurtenances is accepted upon the terms and conditions stated in said deed or conveyance, namely: That the land therein described, together with the buildings and appurtenances thereon, shall be forever dedicated to the purposes of a national park or reservation, the United States of America agreeing to protect and preserve the said lands, buildings, and appurtenances, and especially the log cabin in which Abraham Lincoln was born and the memorial hall inclosing the same, from spoliation, destruction, and further disintegration, to the end that they may be preserved for all time, so far as may be; and further agreeing that there shall never be any charge or fee made to or asked from the public for admission to the said park or reservation.

SEC. 2. That the United States of America hereby also accepts title to the endowment fund of $50,000 mentioned in the assignment and transfer, now in the possession of the President of the United States of America, which assignment and transfer was executed on the 19th day of June, nineteen hundred and sixteen, by the Lincoln Farm Association, a corporation, to the United States of America, transferring and turning over all its right, title, and interest in and to said endowment fund, heretofore invested in certain stocks, bonds and securities held and owned by the Lincoln Farm Association, and more particularly identified and described in said assignment and transfer. The title to said endowment fund is accepted upon the terms and conditions stated in said assignment and transfer, namely, that the United States of America shall forever keep the said tract of land described in said deed, together with the buildings and appurtenances thereunto belonging, dedicated to the purpose of a national park or reservation; and further, shall forever protect, preserve and maintain said land, buildings, and appurtenances, and especially the log cabin in which Abraham Lincoln was born and the memorial hall inclosing the same, from spoliation, destruction, and further disintegration, to the end that they may be preserved for all time, as far as may be, as a national park or reservation.

SEC. 3. That the President of the United States of America and the Secretary of War are hereby authorized to execute, in the name of the United States of America, such instrument or instruments as may be or may become necessary to comply with or carry out the terms and conditions of such gift or gifts and to secure the full benefit therefrom.

SEC. 4. That upon passage of this act and the vesting of the title to the property accepted thereunder in the United States it shall be under the control of the Secretary of War and administered under such regulations, not inconsistent with the law, as he may from time to time prescribe.

July 17, 1916.

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Last Updated: 10-Feb-2003