Contact: Douglas Murphy, 956-541-2785 x330 Contact: Front Desk, 956-541-2785 x333 Lighting Up the Night
On November 16, 2013, Palo Alto Battlefield National Historical Park will once again light up the night during the 8th Memorial Illumination at the Resaca de la Palma Battlefield in Brownsville. The event features the lighting of 8,000 luminarias, each to honor one of the U.S. or Mexican soldiers who fought in battles on the Rio Grande in 1846.
Activities will begin at 4 p.m. with living history programs. Interpreters in period U.S. and Mexican military uniforms will demonstrate camp life, weapons, and drills of the U.S.-Mexican War era. The memorial program begins at 5 p.m. with a short ceremony to remember the veterans of the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma. The lighting of luminaria will follow at sunset, about 5:30 p.m.
The public is invited to come and observe, but the lighting is intended to be a participatory event. Visitors over the age of 12 are encouraged to bring a grill lighter and assist with the lighting of the candles.
Honoring Their Service
The annual Memorial Illumination is an opportunity to highlight the service of troops from both armies during the early battles of the U.S.-Mexican War. The event attempts to push beyond debates over a controversial war to recognize individual soldiers and honor their service and sacrifices for their respective nations. The event is one of only a handful of programs nationwide to light up historic battlefields to honor the men who served. This is the only program of its kind to honor veterans of the U.S.-Mexican War.
Getting There
The event takes place at the Resaca de la Palma Battlefield in Brownsville, TX. The site is located at 1024 Paredes Line Road, north of the Price Road intersection. Resaca de la Palma is the site of the second major battle in the war between the United States and Mexico, fought on May 9, 1846, and part of a series of battles in the areas.
The event is free of charge. Lighting is dependent on favorable weather conditions.
Last updated: February 24, 2015