What can I expect on the Rivers?Paddling SafetyRemember the ABC's of River Safety!Always Wear your PFD (Personal Flotation Device): The old saying is "it can't save you if you don't wear it", nothing can be more true. A well fitting Type-III PFD is recommended for all paddlers. It is required by law, children age 7 and under wear a PFD while on board a vessels. Bottoms Down: If your vessel capsizes, calmly transition to floating on your back with your bottom down and feet up facing downstream, swim to shore. Climb that rootwad: Avoid strainers and rootwads when at all possible. If you find your vessel being swept into a rootwad do not lean away from the rootwad. Leaning away from the rootwad could lead to your vessel being flooded and you being pinned underneath the rootwad. Instead grab hold of the rootwad, climb upwards, and abandon your vessel. Better Skill = More Fun!River ClosuresPeriodically certain sections of the rivers are closed to paddling due to heavy rainfall and flooding conditions. Please visit our Facebook page for the latest river closures. Look for the emblem shown to the right for important river closure information. River EtiquetteRiver Rules-Lashing of tubes or vessels together is prohibited.-Jumping or diving from trees or rope swings is prohibited. -Glass is prohibited in vessels prone to capsizing, i.e., kayaks, canoes, tubes and non-motorized vessels. -One Personal Flotation Device must be on board per person on vessels less then 16ft in length. -Children under 7 years of age must wear a Personal Flotation Device at all times while in a vessel. Loading weather forecast... Jacks Fork and Current River LevelsLevels |
Last updated: July 26, 2022