Ozark National Scenic Riverways Hosts Trail Celebration and Fall Hiking Season Kickoff

Cave Spring Trail Heads
Cave Spring Trailhead.

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News Release Date: August 31, 2017

Contact: Dave Tobey, 573-323-8093

Contact: Dena Matteson, 573-323-4814

EMINENCE, MO:  Ozark National Scenic Riverways will host a Trail Celebration and Fall Hiking Season Kickoff on September 9 and 10. Everyone is invited to celebrate the importance of water, hiking, biking and equestrian trails in the area.  

On Saturday, September 9, members of the Ozark Trail Association will host trail maintenance and hiking activities in the Round Spring and Echo Bluff area. Meet at the Round Spring pavilion at 8:30 a.m. for a guided hike to the Round Spring Spur of the Ozark Trail. Join other volunteers to perform trail maintenance on the Round Spring Spur, or enjoy a hike along this newly constructed route and other trails nearby throughout the day at your leisure. Maps and information about hiking opportunities in the area can be picked up at the Round Spring Ranger Station from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.  On Saturday evening from 6 to 8 p.m. we will gather for a Trail Kickoff Celebration at Echo Bluff State Park to recognize all trail activities including hiking, biking, equestrian activities, and water trails. Music, food, information, and vendor booths will be located in the picnic area at Echo Bluff State Park.  

On Sunday, September 10, park rangers will lead and facilitate hikes on the Cave Spring Trail from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. This trail starts at Devils Well and travels 2.2 miles to Cave Spring on the Current River. Return to Devils Well on a loop trail that passes through unique glades and overlook areas. Visitors will be encouraged to recognize and enjoy geographic features, vegetation, and wildlife along the trail.  

Trails have always been an important feature of the community. People in local communities are connected by a system of roads, trails, and water routes. Trails are also a major attraction for people who visit our area. Many come to float and paddle on our river trails. Horse enthusiasts travel from great distances to participate in area trail rides. The Ozark Trail passes through the park and local communities. Trails are an important part of the local heritage and of the recreational opportunities available in the Ozarks today.   

For more information about the Trail Town Celebration, contact Park Ranger Dave Tobey at (573)323-8093 or e-mail us, visit the park’s Facebook page, or website at www.nps.gov/ozar.

Ozark National Scenic Riverways preserves the free-flowing Current and Jacks Fork Rivers, the surrounding resources, and the unique cultural heritage of the Ozark people.

Last updated: September 2, 2017

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Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 490
Van Buren, MO 63965


(573) 323-4236
Call (573) 323-4236 for Big Spring Entrance Station, located south of Van Buren, MO. Call (573) 226-3945 for the Alley Spring General Store, located west of Eminence, MO. Call (573) 858-3297 for Round Spring Ranger Station, located north of Eminence, MO.

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