News Release

National Park Service Fire Management Officers Explore Facets of “Changing Climates”

Top: Group standing on stairs; Bottom: Six men and one woman stand with awards.
Top: 83 attendees were at the recent fire management meeting. Bottom: Award winners included (from left): Jason Devcich (YUGA), Larry Weddle (DENA), Fenn Wimberly (BUFF), Todd Opperman (YELL), John Cataldo (YELL), Chip Collins (GRTE), Kathy Komatz (DFAM)

Top: NPS/L. Estey; Bottom: NPS/C. Boehle

News Release Date: April 12, 2017

Contact: Tina Boehle, 208.387.5875

Park fire management officers, along with regional and national fire management staff gathered in Boise the week of March 20 to focus on “Changing Climates – Environmental, Fiscal & Human.”

The climate change theme was woven throughout the three-day meeting with scientific, operational, fiscal, technological, and demographic presentations and discussions. Networking opportunities were also built into the agenda, as the group has not had a similar gathering since 2010.

Case studies from Yellowstone and Grand Canyon national parks and Big Cypress National Preserve highlighted best practices, lessons learned, and challenges by the field for the field, from which all could learn.

Awards were presented from the regional and national levels.

Recipients included:

“Remember to take care of each other, your employees, and yourselves, and don’t be afraid to ask for help,” stated Dan Buckley, Branch Chief for National Park Service Wildland Fire Management. He concluded with this thought along with the hope that the next gathering will not be seven years away. The next national meeting of National Park Service fire management staff is planned for no later than 2020.

Last updated: May 17, 2017