News Release

Compendiums Unchanged for Most Alaska Parks in 2019

Date: February 11, 2019
Contact: Peter Christian

Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve to propose change to public use cabin availability
ANCHORAGE, Alaska—The National Park Service (NPS) today announced most compendiums for national park units in Alaska will have no changes for 2019. 
The currently approved compendiums remain in effect until rescinded or replaced. The NPS completed its review of the park compendiums following the lapse in appropriations that closed federal offices for 35 days. Upon review, the NPS has determined the only park that requires changes to the compendium for 2019 is Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve. Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve will propose two modifications: one relating to the collection of gull eggs and the other updating availability of the park public use cabin to reflect changes in state hunting seasons. Information on the proposed changes and how to comment will be issued by the park superintendent later this month.
A compendium is a written compilation of designations, closures, permit requirements and other authorizations and restrictions adopted under discretionary authority found in the Code of Federal Regulations. Learn more about park compendiums.

Last updated: February 14, 2019