Technical Preservation Services has created web-based training features to provide professional development alternatives and enrichment programs for professional preservationists, local preservation commissions, volunteers, and anyone interested in more in-depth training in historic preservation.
Sustainabilty Guidelines
These guidelines offer specific guidance on how to make historic buildings more sustainable in a manner that will preserve their historic character and that will meet The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation.
Illustrated Rehabilitation Guidelines
Illustrated guidelines specific to the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation provide general design and technical recommendations during the project planning stage.
Incentives, A Guide to the Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program
Clear, detailed information to assist historic building owners, preservation consultants, community officials, and architects planning historic preservation projects. “Avoiding Incompatible Work,” provides illustrated examples of tax credit projects that met, or did not meet, the Standards for Rehabilitation.
From the Roof Down and Skin Deep
Learn how the “skin” of your historic house functions, how to keep surfaces and features in good repair over time, and what happens if you don't.
Managing Moisture in Your Historic House
See how moisture invades historic materials; what goes wrong when moisture is not adequately managed; and how to address present and future problems by providing some simple, common sense tips
Rehab Yes and Nos
Brief case studies focus on issues that frequently arise during rehabilitation projects. Evaluate the existing conditions, learn what repairs, alterations, and additions were undertaken, and see how the historic character was preserved or lost.
Roofing for Historic Buildings: From Asbestos to Zinc
Understand the history of roofing, an important building component, and learn more about the appearance, composition, manufacture and application of roofing materials and systems.
Walk Through Historic Buildings
This web class helps identify those tangible elements or features that give historic buildings their unique visual character.
Working on the Past in Local Historic Districts
This tutorial outlines the legal strengths of local historic districts, describes the local preservation ordinance, discusses the benefits of local design guidelines, and makes clear the essential differences between preservation, rehabilitation, restoration, and reconstruction.
Last updated: October 12, 2022