News Release

NPS photo.
News Release Date: October 2, 2017
Contact: NPS Investigative Services Branch, Tip Line 888-653-0009
Investigators are seeking the public’s help in determining what led to a fatal motor vehicle accident in Olympic National Park on September 25. During the early morning hours, a white Ford F350 pickup traveling westbound on Highway 101 along Lake Crescent near mile marker 224 rolled over and crashed after possibly colliding with a 19-foot log. The log may have fallen from a vehicle traveling eastbound.
The driver of the pickup was killed in the accident; he was the only person in the vehicle. Special Agents with the NPS Investigative Services Branch are working with US Park Rangers of Olympic National Park and officers of the Washington State Patrol on this investigation.
If you traveled through this area of the park around 5:00 to 6:00 a.m. that day, or if you witnessed the accident, please contact us. You don't have to tell us who you are, but please tell us what you know:
CALL or TEXT the ISB Tip Line 888-653-0009
ONLINE and click "Submit a Tip"
MESSAGE via Facebook @InvestigativeServicesNPS or Twitter @SpecialAgentNPS
Last updated: October 2, 2017