
Current Cases and More

Don't miss the latest news from ISB about cases and incidents across the National Park System. 

annual reports take an in-depth look at significant cases and operations in yearly collections. 

Get involved with ISB - join our social media community, or learn more about donating or volunteering with the National Park Service.

Cold Cases are accidents or crimes that have yet to be solved and have no active leads. Do you have information that could help investigators?

Chronicles of ISB reach back to entries from the NPS Morning Report through the years. 



The investigative arm of the National Park Service
Who We Are

The investigative arm of the National Park Service (NPS), providing critical investigative & law enforcement support across all NPS sites

Find out more about the NPS Investigative Services Branch
What We Do

We conduct complex, sensitive, and/or long-term criminal investigations across the National Park System

A special agent of the NPS Investigative Services Branch stands at a forested overlook above a river
Submit a Tip

See something suspicious? Stay safe and tell us about it. You don't have to tell us who you are, but please tell us what you know.

Last updated: May 23, 2022