News Release

NPS case file image.
News Release Date: April 13, 2021
Contact: MWR Office of Communications
Special Agents of the National Park Service Investigative Services Branch are seeking tips from the public to determine the circumstances related to the homicide of Paige Autumn White, a 32-year-old Caucasian female with a missing right eye and an anchor tattoo on her right foot. White’s remains were found off of Blacksnake Road in Hot Springs National Park on March 27, 2021.
The investigation is ongoing and there is no indication that this was other than an isolated incident. National Park Service investigators are working with the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), the Hot Springs Police Department, Arkansas State Police, and Garland County Sheriff’s Department to find out more about the days leading up to White’s death.
Though no further details about this incident are available at this time, investigators are gathering more information every day to move this case forward and the community’s continued assistance is appreciated. Sometimes, people with knowledge about an incident may not initially come forward because they do not realize its importance, because of their relationships to people involved, or they have concerns for their safety. However, information from family, friends, acquaintances, or others who may have seen White recently is often very helpful.
If you may have information about White or her death – no matter how insignificant it may seem – please contact us. You may remain anonymous. You don’t have to tell us who you are, but please tell us what you know:
CALL or TEXT the ISB Tip Line: 888-653-0009
ONLINE: and click “Submit a Tip”
EMERGENCY: dial 9-1-1
The FBI has identified common behaviors and characteristics to be on the look out for that are listed here:
ISB: the Investigative Services Branch of the National Park Service
Last updated: April 13, 2021