News Release

Mount Locust Geophysical Project

Historic house at Mount Locust

(NPS Photo)

News Release Date: April 26, 2018

As part of a multi-year project, SEAC archeologists will be returning to Mount Locust, one of the oldest structures in Mississippi (built ca. 1785), along the Natchez Trace Parkway (NATR) to conduct a geophysical survey. This structure, which still stands today, functioned as an inn along the Old Natchez Trace and later a frontier plantation. In addition, there is an oral history that the site once had a cabin complex of enslaved African American workers and a nursery for their children. However, there are no written records and are no cabins are left standing today. From May 1 – 5 th SEAC will be actively searching for physical evidence of these cabins using ground penetrating radar, magnetometer, conductivity and resistivity instruments, coupled with a metal detector survey.

Last updated: August 30, 2019