Recycling at Obed

The Example of Nature

Nature has been recycling from the beginning of time -- our natural environment recycles plants, trees, animals, insects, and soils. Obed Wild & Scenic River mimics the example of nature in our recycling efforts -- recognizing that the waste generated by a quarter million annual visitors needs to be dealt with responsibly.

Why Does Obed Recycle?

There a many reasons to recycle, but the short list includes:

  1. It saves money
  2. It improves efficiency
  3. It reduces energy use
  4. It reduces water use
  5. It saves landfill space
  6. It improves air quality
  7. It improves water quality
  8. It reduces the rate of global warming
In 2019, Obed WSR kept 39 percent of its trash out of the landfill, which is working towards the goal of 50 percent set by the National Park Service.
Selected Recycling Data for Obed Wild & Scenic River (2019)
  1. Aluminum: 692 lbs
  2. Batteries: 92 lbs
  3. Cardboard: 717 lbs
  4. Paper (white & mixed): 1,258 lbs
  5. Plastic (#1PET & #2HDPE): 981 lbs
  6. Glass: 2,946 lbs
  7. Co-mingled (glass, aluminum cans, plastics): 3,113 lbs
Effective management of this waste requires a comprehensive program of awareness, education, action, and commitment to continual improvement. Reducing waste by not generating it in the first place is the primary goal of Obed's waste management program.

Last updated: January 24, 2020

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423 346-6294

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