Notice to Private Boaters Regarding Bridge Day

At 6:00 pm on Friday, Oct. 14, Fayette Station Road (Route 82) below Teays Landing Road will be CLOSED to all vehicles. Boaters may access Teays Landing by Fayette Station Road to set shuttle that evening, but must exit Teays Landing via Burma Road. Any vehicles parked at Fayette Station after 6:00 pm on Friday will be towed. When parking at Teays Landing, park at the downstream end of the road and walk from the river to your vehicle. Do NOT drive through the tunnel. Do NOT block the road, as commercial busses will be using this private road.

On Bridge Day,Saturday, Oct 15, private vehicles will NOT be able to access Fayette Station or Teays Landing. If you have set shuttle the evening before at Teays Landing you will need to use Burma Road when leaving the river.

For the safety of both boaters and jumpers, spectating from the river banks below Fayette Station Rapid and Fleaflicker Rapid is NOT allowed. Boaters should continue paddling through the pool below the bridge, staying towards the far right side of the river.

Last updated: October 6, 2016

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Glen Jean, WV 25846



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