News Release

Patriotic philanthropist David Rubenstein donates $10 million for Thomas Jefferson Memorial

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Date: November 4, 2019
Contact: Mike Litterst, 202-245-4676

The Thomas Jefferson Memorial joins the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, and other treasured American icons cared for by the National Park Service that will be enhanced by the generosity of businessman and patriotic philanthropist David M. Rubenstein.

David M. Rubenstein, co-founder and co-executive chairman of The Carlyle Group, said, “Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, played a central role in the creation of our country. Telling the story of his greatness along with his failings will enable visitors to better understand his genius and humanity.  I am deeply honored and humbled to have this opportunity to help improve and restore this iconic memorial.”

A $10 million donation from Rubenstein to the National Park Foundation will dramatically improve the visitor experience at the Jefferson Memorial. The gift will fund a completely new and expanded state-of-the-art museum in the memorial, incorporating new designs with tactile and auditory elements and providing more perspectives as it shares Jefferson’s multi-faceted story. In addition, new exhibits will be designed with universal accessibility in mind.

“David Rubenstein’s gift enables the National Park Service to engage visitors in a more dynamic, hands-on experience that explores the complexity of Thomas Jefferson’s life,” said Will Shafroth, president and CEO of the National Park Foundation. “Thanks to his generous support, visitors of all ages will have a fuller understanding of Jefferson and his impact on American democracy and culture.”

“The American people are direct beneficiaries of David Rubenstein’s many acts of patriotic philanthropy,” Jeff Reinbold, superintendent of National Mall and Memorial Parks, said. “At the Jefferson Memorial, Mr. Rubenstein's generous gift and patriotism will, once again, shine a light on the diverse stories of America's past and demonstrate their continued relevance to our nation.”

Dedicated by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt on April 13, 1943, the Thomas Jefferson Memorial is one of four presidential memorials on the National Mall. The memorial, situated on the Tidal Basin, is also located at the prominent southern point of the north-south vista from the White House. Architect John Russell Pope, influenced by Jefferson's taste in classical architecture, echoed the style seen in Jefferson's most famous buildings — Monticello and the University of Virginia Rotunda.

Last updated: November 4, 2019

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