Contract Awarded for National Mall Turf Restoration and Irrigation Project

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Date: July 21, 2014
Contact: Lindy Allen, (303) 969-2588

National Park Service Awards Contract
for National Mall Turf Restoration and Irrigation Project

Washington, D.C. – The National Park Service (NPS) has awarded a contract to Clark Construction Group, LLC of Bethesda, Maryland, to complete the restoration of the National Mall, America's "front yard." Clark was also the contractor for the first phase of the project, which restored 3rd to 7th streets and was completed in December 2012.

The new $21, 545,300 contract covers both the second and third phases of the project. Phase two ($12,655,200 will tackle the panels between 7th and 12th streets and is scheduled to begin in August. Phase 3 ($8,890,100) will restore 12th to 14th streets and is slated to begin in 2016, depending on funding.

The work will include installing handicap accessible granite curbs, replacing the grass panels with engineered soil to resist soil compaction, regrading grass panels to improve drainage, installing drains and underground cisterns to collect storm water, installing a new irrigation system and enhancing hardscape for event use.

"The National Park Service looks forward to continuing to work with Clark, which did such a great job with the first phase of the restoration," said Bob Vogel, superintendent of the National Mall and Memorial Parks. "This is one of the most important civic spaces in the world and this project will not only enhance its beauty, but ensure that it continues to be available as a gathering place for the American people."

Last updated: November 17, 2017

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