Contact: Mike Litterst, 202-245-4676 The National Park Service (NPS), in cooperation with the National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) and Hoffman-Madison Waterfront LLC (the Wharf), is accepting comments for a project to improve pedestrian access at Banneker Park, located at the south end of L'Enfant Plaza SW. The purpose of the proposed project is to provide a safe, functional, and aesthetically pleasing pedestrian connection between the overlook at Banneker Park (Banneker Overlook) and the southwest waterfront. The project is needed to provide greater accessibility between the waterfront, Banneker Park, the National Mall, and surrounding areas as identified in the Monumental Core Framework Plan, and consistent with the National Mall Plan and SW Ecodistrict Plan. The NPS and NCPC invite the public to an open house to learn more about the proposed project, share their knowledge of the project area, and help identify potential environmental issues to could result from the implementation. The project team will present two potential concepts for the improved pedestrian connection, and staff from the NPS, NCPC, and the Wharf will also be available to discuss the project and answer questions.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015 6 p.m. –8 p.m. WHERE: Hoffman-Madison Waterfront (The Wharf) 690 Water Street, SW Washington, DC 20024
The proposed project includes the construction of a stairway and ramp between the Banneker Overlook and the southwest waterfront. The project also includes landscaping, improvements to pedestrian crosswalks, lighting installation, ADA accessibility, and storm water management. In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and other applicable laws, regulations, and policies, the NPS will prepare an Environmental Assessment for the project that documents the analysis of environmental impacts of the alternatives for the improved pedestrian connection. Concurrently, the NPS and NCPC will conduct consultations under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and NCPC will review the project under its authorities set forth by the National Capital Planning Act.
How to Comment
For those unable to attend the meeting, comments are also being accepted in writing. The preferred manner for providing comments is online through the National Park Service Planning, Environment, and Public Comment website, used by the agency to manage official correspondence and analyze public comment in the planning process. From the project website (, navigate the menu on the left hand side of the page to Open For Comment, select the document Scoping Notification, then Comment Now.
Comments may also be submitted in writing to:
National Mall and Memorial Parks Attn: Banneker Park Overlook 900 Ohio Drive SW Washington, DC 20024 Fax: 202-426-9309
Comments received during this time will assist the NPS and NCPC to identify potential issues and concerns to address in the EA;once the EA is developed it will be made available on the project website for a minimum 45-day public review period.
Comments must be entered into the website or postmarked by September 2, 2015 to receive consideration. Please be aware that the entire comment submitted –including personal identifying information such as address, phone number, email address –may be made publicly available. Requests to withhold such personal identifying information from public release will be considered, but there is no guarantee that they will be withheld.
Last updated: July 22, 2015