Vertically woven, Large, flat cornhusk bag. Constructed using plain twining of Indian hemp with dyed and undyed cornhusk false embroidery. Geometric hourglass figures featured on both sides.


Museum Management Program, National Park Service
The Museum Management Program developed this exhibit in close collaboration with the Nez Perce Tribe and Nez Perce National Historical Park staff.

Joan Bacharach, Senior Curator and Project Manager
Amber Dumler, Museum Specialist and Web Designer
Dara Shore, Museum Technician

Nez Perce Tribe and Nez Perce National Historical Park Staff

Exhibit developers: Robert Chenoweth, Tabitha Erdey, Thomas Gregory, Julie Kane, Kristine Leier, Jason Lyon, Stacia Morfin, Ann McCormack, Kayeloni Scott, Darren Williams, Nakia Williamson

Video directed by Eric Bowen and Stacia Morfin

Interviewees: Gary Greene (beading), Jeff Scott (hide work), Rosa Yearout and Kelen Ternal (horse culture), Carla Timentwa (weaving), A.J. Whiteplume (quillwork)

Museum Object Photography
Zach Mazur