While the magical Mojave wildflower show is by no means an annual event, a few well-timed soaking storms will produce a memorable spring wildflower bloom. Wildflower blooms are reported at Joshua Tree, and Death Valley National Park.
Check the chart below to help plan your wildflower viewing trip. Due to variations in temperature caused by increasing altitude, peak wildflower viewing advances upslope at the rate of about 1,000 feet every two weeks.
Wildflowers Elevation Blooming Chart
Wildflower Viewing Locations
The following are excellent wildflower-viewing locations in the preserve, with estimated peak-flowering periods. These estimates vary from year to year.
In ordinary years when winter and early spring rains are scanty, the annual flowering plants are few; inasmuch as they are in no particular way adapted to endure shortage of water, they wilt and die a few weeks after they have sprung, as if by magic, from the barren earth. As though trying to make up for this poor showing, every few years comes an abundance of rain and there results such a wealth of blossoms that almost every foot of sand or gravelly soil is hidden beneath a blanket of flowers.
Edmund Jaeger
Last updated: May 9, 2021
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