abandoned mine lands in mojave national preserve

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Date: February 13, 2010
Contact: Danette Woo, 760 252-6107

The National Park Service (NPS) proposes implementing safety options at abandoned mine lands in Mojave National Preserve. The purpose of this project is to mitigate human and environmental hazards present at the Preserve.


This action is needed to; improve visitor and staff safety at Mojave while accommodating the use of the abandoned mine land sites by wildlife (principally bats), minimize impacts on historic fabric and the visual character of the historic landscape, and minimize potential adverse effects on natural resources using mitigation measures.


The EA examines two alternatives: no action and the National Park Service (NPS) preferred alternative. The preferred alternative includes installing a variety of abandoned mine safety techniques, such as metal grates, fencing (permanent or temporary), bat gates and cupolas, cable mesh nets, foam plugs covered with backfill, or back-filling alone, in multiple mine openings at Mojave. A variety of safety techniques would be implemented by the National Park Service either individually, or in combination under alternative B.


Comments must be received no later than February 22, 2010. Public comment may be submitted online at the NPS Planning, Environment and Public Comment website, https://parkplanning.nps.gov/moja. Click on the Open For Comments link at the top of the page. If you do not have website access, you may direct comments regarding this project to the park in writing by mail or hand delivery to:




Mojave National Preserve

2701 Barstow Road

Barstow, CA 92311

Last updated: February 28, 2015

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