News Release

08-05-2023 Mojave NP Closes Area Surrounding York Fire

A map showing in red the closed area around the fire permiter, with Ivanpah and other area roads closed in red highlight
By order of the Superintendent, the area surrounding the fire perimeter in red is CLOSED to public access.

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News Release Date: August 5, 2023

Contact: Sasha Travaglio, 760-362-9469


The York Fire was discovered on July 28, 2023, and has burned in Mojave National Preserve and CastleMountains National Monument. The increased hazards that may be found in the York Fire area include:
  • Falling limbs and snags (dead standing trees) and fire-damaged trees
  • Impacted road structures and sink holes due to burned out bridges and other infrastructure.
  • Potentially hazardous conditions from weakened structures and potentially impacted barricades
  • around inactive mining structures and diggings
  • Unstable burned structures that may contain hazardous materials.
  • Hot ash and unseen hazards in the few remaining hot spots on the perimeter and interior of the burn area
  • Washed out roads from heavy rainfall that occurred in early August 2023.
  • Potential for flash floods and debris flows during summer monsoon rains.

To maintain the safety of park visitors and allow fire management operations to continue unimpeded, the Superintendent of Mojave National Preserve and Castle Mountains National Monument is designating the following area(s) as closed to public use until further notice is given.

By order of the Superintendent of Mojave National Preserve and Castle Mountains National Monument and under authority of Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, Section l.5 (a) and Section (a)(l):

As of 12:00 pm on August 5th, road segments and areas marked on the accompanying map titled “York Fire Safety Closure #1” are closed to all travel; personnel involved in administrative, and firefighting activities are excepted.

The area will be closed until further notice is given. Notice of closure will be posted and the area will be monitored to ensure compliance. This order supersedes and includes all prior area closures. Thedesignation will remain in place until rescinded.


Last updated: August 6, 2023

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