
a black and white photo of a mine adit in the desert
Mining's hazardous history remains in Mojave. Do not enter mine tunnels or shafts. Mines may be unstable, have hidden shafts, pockets of bad air, and poisonous gas.

Photo courtesy K. Lewandowski

What risks would you take for a chance of becoming rich? Starting in the mid-1800s, countless people roved the desert prospecting for mineral ores that could build them immense fortunes. Many of them succeeded – copper, silver, lead, gold, zinc, tungsten, and even volcanic cinders were all mined here in the 1800s and 1900s, earning the miners several million dollars.

Many of the historic mining sites still have structures standing there today, like cabins, headframes, mine pits, or heavy equipment. A few of the more well-known mining sites are highlighted below. All are located on roads built for burros rather than cars and not regularly maintained. High clearance and four wheel drive vehicles are recommended.


Three people stand on a rock ledge overlooking the deep water-filled pit of the Vulcan Mine
Three visitors stand on a rock ledge overlooking the deep water-filled pit of Vulcan Mine.

NPS Photo

The most profitable mine in the Mojave National Preserve’s history, the Vulcan mine, produced over seven million dollars’ worth of iron in the 1940s.
a vintage diagram of abandoned mine hazards
A vintage NPS underground hazards diagram.


Be Safe:
Don't Go Down in the Diggin's

The mitigation and reduction of hazards from abandoned mineral lands are often complicated and expensive procedures. The National Park Service establishes the priority for mitigation by considering the level of danger and degree of resource damage. Each site is unique. The chosen method for mitigating features at an abandoned mine site or feature depends on numerous variables such as available materials at the site, the type of rock, the difficulty of reaching the site, and mitigation costs. Parks use a variety of methods to mitigate the hazards and resource issues at these sites.

Because of limited funding, parks can usually afford only temporary solutions such as fencing and posting signs, until funding for more long-term solutions becomes available. Common long-term mine closure techniques include backfilling, blasting, expandable polyurethane foam ("PUF"), rock and mortar walls, steel grates, bat gates, and bat cupolas. For information about mines where bats may be present, see the discussion on White Nose Syndrome on our Mines as Habitat page.

Key Mojave Mine Hazards to Avoid

Tunnel Hazards: Do not enter mine tunnels or shafts. Mines may be unstable, have hidden shafts, pockets of bad air, and poisonous gas.

Tailings Pile Hazards: Do not touch mine tailings. Tailings often contain high concentrations of toxic metals and other chemicals.

Dangerous Animals: Never place your hands or feet where you cannot see first. Rattlesnakes, scorpions, or black widow spiders may be sheltered there.

Hantavirus--a potentially fatal respiratory disease--is spread through contact with infected rodents or their urine and droppings. Although no cases have been reported in Mojave, the virus has been found in deer mice and cactus mice here. Use caution in rodent infested locations such as cabins and mine structures.


a former miner cookhouse ruins
NPS Abandoned Mineral Lands

Lands, waters, and surrounding watersheds that contain facilities, structures, and disturbances associated with past mineral exploration.

bats flying in a mine
All About Bats

Some bat species depend largely on abandoned mines because their natural habitats have either been destroyed or made useless.

Last updated: October 12, 2023

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Barstow, CA 92311


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