Contact: Ed Cummins, 928-567-3322 x221
National Park ServiceNews Release For Immediate Release - January 10, 2012 National Parks will be Free this Weekend WASHINGTON, D.C. - Saturday, Sunday and Monday are the first three days of 17 this year when admission fees to national parks will be waived. This week, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day weekend would be among the free days in 2012 for all 397 national parks across the country. Other fee-free days in 2012 are: National Park Week (April 21-29), Get Outdoors Day (June 9), National Public Lands Day (Sept. 29), and the weekend of Veterans Day (Nov. 10-12). Montezuma Castle and Tuzigoot National Monuments will be waiving the normal entrance fees this weekend, along with the rest of the fee-free days that will occur during the rest of the year. Superintendent Kathy Davis stated "I'd like to encourage all our local friends and neighbors to take advantage of these free days and come see the parks located in their back yards." Montezuma Castle and Tuzigoot National Monuments, including Montezuma Well, are open 8am-5pm, every day except Christmas. Montezuma Castle is located at exit 289 off I-17 in Camp Verde, Montezuma Well is in Rimrock--take exit 293 off I-17, and Tuzigoot is off Historic Hwy. 89A between Old Town Cottonwood and Clarkdale. For more information, contact the Montezuma Castle Visitor Center at 928-567-3322 x221 or the Tuzigoot Visitor Center at 928-634-5564.
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Last updated: February 24, 2015