Contact: Caleb Kesler, 928-567-5276 x222
National Park ServiceNews Release For Immediate Release –DECEMBER 15, 2015 Camp Verde, AZ –Montezuma Castle, National Monument Montezuma Well Outlet and Irrigation Ditch Closure Over the summer, the retaining wall below the outlet trail was determined by park staff to be unstable and therefore unsafe for our visitors and staff. Since then, we have been working with park and regional staff to come up with potential treatment options and costs for repairing the area. The problem causing the leaks and subsequent instability is multi-layered, including unique habitat, complex hydrology, and sensitive cultural and historical resources. As a result, there are complicated engineering, legal compliance and tribal concerns to consider. We are working hard to find a final solution that fixes the leakages and associated issues. We recognize the impact the closure has and we understand the frustration this is causing our visitors. Unfortunately, the outlet will remain closed until we get the repairs made and it is safe once again for visitors and staff. If you have specific questions about the closure and the upcoming repairs, the park is planning a public meeting on the evening of February 3, 2016, to discuss our decisions with the community. If you can, please consider attending.An additional news release will go out in January to give the specific time and location of the public meeting. The National Park Service celebrates its 100th Anniversary in 2016. Over 20,000 National Park Service employees care for America's 408 national parks and monuments and create close-to-home recreational and cultural opportunities. --NPS-- |
Last updated: December 15, 2015