News Release

Minidoka Film Screening at the Seattle

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Date: March 25, 2019
Contact: Hanako Wakatsuki, 208-539-3416
Contact: Park Ranger, 208-825-4169

On April 4, 2019 from 10am to 11am, the National Park Service will be
hosted by the Seattle Nisei Veteran’s Committee to give an update on Minidoka National
Historic Site and previewing the park’s film produced by North Shore Productions. This will
provide folks from the Seattle area to hear from the Minidoka National Historic Site’s
superintendent, Wade Vagias; the Executive Director of Friends of Minidoka, Mia Russell; and
the producers of the film, Rory Banyard and Cristin Norine. The NVC Memorial Hall is located
at: 1212 S. King St., Seattle, WA 98144.

Minidoka National Historic Site is located at 296 S. 1400 E. in Jerome, Idaho— twenty miles northeast of Twin Falls, Idaho. Admission is free. Visitors can walk the 1.6 mile trail and around historical buildings like the barrack and mess hall in Block 22 on a self-guided-tour from sunrise to sunset. There are trail exhibits allowing visitors to learn more about life at Hunt Camp and the history of why Americans were imprisoned by their own country during WWII. Please be aware of safety at the site in regards to the wildlife as there are bees, snakes, and other animals. For more information, please call (208) 825-4169, or visit the website at, or explore our Facebook page “Minidoka National Historic Site.”

The purpose of Minidoka National Historic Site is to provide opportunities for public education and interpretation of the exclusion and unjust incarceration of Nikkei—Japanese American citizens and legal residents of Japanese ancestry—in the United States during World War II. Minidoka National Historic Site protects and collaboratively manages resources related to the Minidoka War Relocation Center in Idaho and the Bainbridge Island Japanese American Exclusion Memorial in Washington State.

Last updated: March 25, 2019

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Mailing Address:

1428 Hunt Road
Jerome, ID 83338



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