Contact: Charles Strickfaden, (505) 425-8025, ext. 222 Join the National Park Service for “America’s Best Idea” Volunteer Education Night at Fuller LodgeManhattan Project NHP staff invite you to a special night at the Fuller Lodge. On Thursday, March 2, from 6:00-7:30 PM staff will present films on national park stories, including stories about New Mexico’s National Parks, and enroll new volunteers for Manhattan Project NHP. Join park rangers sharing excerpts of the popular Ken Burns film America’s Best Idea to hear stories of the National Park System, including the national parks of New Mexico. Park staff will also provide updates on current park projects and how the public can join them as park volunteers to tell the Manhattan Project story. Wondering what’s been happening right in your backyard at Los Alamos’ newest national park? Have experience in teaching or science education and want to play a role in taking Manhattan Project stories to communities outside Los Alamos? Wonder what National Park Service volunteers do and the kind of training they receive? Want to support the new park in other ways and meet park rangers to talk about it? Then this night is for you! Volunteer applications and information will be available on March 2, and online at the NPS Volunteer website at Formally established in November 2015, via a Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of Energy and the National Park Service to preserve portions of three World War II sites where the United States developed the first atomic weapons, the park marks the history of the people, science, and events that led to creation of the atomic bomb in the top-secret effort known as the Manhattan Project. Under the agreement, the NPS operates the park and interprets its history on properties that continue to be owned and managed by DOE. |
Last updated: February 23, 2017