News Release
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Contact: Jeff Burton, 760 878-2194x3305
Manzanar’s award-winning public archeology program offers opportunities to learn about the past and help preserve the site and its stories for the future. From September 1 – 4, 2023, volunteers are invited to assist in clearing a historic baseball field—and potentially Japanese gardens—of Russian thistle to allow archeological work and future restoration. Volunteers may also assist in picking pears in the historic orchards.
Volunteer positions are available to anyone age 15 and up who is physically able to work outdoors. Most of the work is physically demanding, but there will be a variety of tasks each day to suit different interests and energy levels. Volunteers simply need an interest in history and a willingness to get dirty. Volunteers must sign up in advance and may work any number of days or hours, but a full day or multiple days are preferred. Work will be conducted regardless of weather. Please bring water, lunch, work gloves, personal medications, and be sure to wear sunscreen, a hat, and sturdy boots.
There will be a portable toilet and hand-washing station at the work areas. Volunteers meet each day at the Visitor Center parking lot at 7:30 am for introductions and a safety briefing. The project is limited to 35 participants per day. Advance sign up is required. Email Manzanar’s Cultural Resources Manager Jeff Burton at (760) 878-2194 extension 3305, or send an e-mail to
Manzanar National Historic Site is located at 5001 Highway 395, six miles south of Independence and nine miles north of Lone Pine, California (see map below). Learn more at
Last updated: August 11, 2023