Welcome to America's Front Yard!
Directions & Transportation Use National Mall and Memorial Parks award-winning wayfinding system of maps and pylons to navigate your way around the National Mall.Or visit our Directions page to find your way here by public transportation,bicycle, car, or air. The Lincoln Memorial is located at the western end of the National Mall. It is two miles walking distance from the U.S. Capitol to the Lincoln Memorial. The nearest metro stations are Foggy Bottom (23rd St. &I St. NW) and Smithsonian (12th St. &Independence Ave. SW).
Hours & Seasons The Lincoln Memorial is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The early evening and morning hours are beautiful and tranquil times to visit. Please visit the Operating Hours and Seasons for more information on staffing, facility, and museum hours. Things To Do Visit our Things to Do and Schedule of Events pages to discover a wide of array of activities from paddle boats and bike tours to nighttime walks with a park ranger. |
Last updated: April 21, 2022