Your Fee Dollars At Work

Your Fee Dollars at Work

Thank you for supporting your public lands! Eighty percent of recreational fees collected in the monument are reinvested right here at Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument. The monument uses revenues from fees for all kinds of projects, including deferred maintenance projects, that improve visitor facilities like park roads, buildings, utilities, trails, and more.

On average Little Bighorn Battlefield NM collects over $500,000 in recreation fees per year which goes directly into projects benefiting the visitor experience and deferred maintenance projects. Over time, this adds up to dozens of projects completed using fee money. Please see the list of project below to see exactly where your Little Bighorn Battlefield NM entry fee money helps us preserve and protect your monument for you. To see where your fee dollars help when visiting other parks please visit the NPS Fee Dollars at Work page. Thanks again for supporting your public lands.

Fee dollar projects at Little Big Horn Battlefield National Monument:

Projects in Progress

  • Visitor Center Exhibit Planning
  • Research Custer National Cemetery Records, Produce New Interpretive Materials, purchase park informational brochures
  • Replace Custer National Cemetery Irrigation System & Xeriscape Cemetery & Surrounding Lawns

Past Projects

  • Water Project replacing main water line in park
  • Creation of Resource Management Web Pages and online Historic Image Galleries
  • Replace Visitor Information Signs
  • Enhance Park Security System
  • Rehab Kiosk Building
  • Construct new restrooms
  • Rehab Gravel Deep Ravine Trail
  • Clean cemetery headstones
  • Renovate and restore Stone House into office and research space
  • Install Touch Screen Computer for Visitor Center
  • Conservation of historic flags
  • Repair of fragile documents
  • Storage space for artifacts and historical documents
  • Conservation of historic flags
  • Repair of fragile documents

Future Projects
  • Restore Historic Landscape to Maintain 1876 Battlefield
  • Replace Battlefield Tour Road Wayside Panels and Bases
  • Reconstruct Park Roadway and Parking Areas
  • Replace Dilapidated Visitor Center Facility

Last updated: December 27, 2022

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument
P.O. Box 39

Crow Agency, MT 59022-0039



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