
For Your Safety:


  • Do not walk off the trails, stay on sidewalks or designated trails only. You are in an area where you may encounter rattlesnakes or other wildlife.

Tour Road

  • Obey the speed limit. (30 mph)
  • Be on the alert for livestock as you drive the 4.5 mile tour road to the Reno-Benteen Entrenchment site (this is open range).


  • The climate at Little Bighorn Battlefield is physically demanding any time of year. From June through September, daytime temperatures may exceed 100 degrees Fahrenheit. In winter, temperatures as low as 30 below are possible. Be prepared for any and all weather conditions.

Sun Stress /Dehydration

  • With the high temperatures the park experiences, dehydration may occur. Keep well hydrated. Bring ample water in your vehicle and while walking trails. Cooled bottled water may be purchased in the bookstore.
  • Know your limits. Don't begin any hike/walk until you are prepared for all conditions.
  • Wearing a hat will help prevent sunburn and can help prevent dehydration as well.

Lightning Storms

  • Lightning storms occur occasionally in and around Little Bighorn Battlefield during the spring and summer.
  • If you see lightning approaching, move away from high places such as Last Stand Hill, Calhoun Hill, Weir Point and the Reno-Benteen Entrenchment site.

Last updated: February 15, 2023

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument
P.O. Box 39

Crow Agency, MT 59022-0039



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