Support Your Park

The Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail extends from Pennsylvania to Oregon; it passes through public and private lands. The waterways, trails, and stories of the Lewis and Clark Expedition are preserved by hundreds of organizations and thousands of people.

As a result, there is ample opportunity to support the trail's mission: to preserve the remnants of the historic route of the 1804-1806 Corps of Discovery Expedition located along the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail, and to provide for comprehensive interpretation of its history, including the American Indian perspective, to allow for better visitor understanding and appreciation of its significance.

Time is valuable. You may have the time and talent to give to one of the organizations along the trail. Perhaps your skill is in inventorying or monitoring current resources or invasive species which threaten our resources; maybe you are a reinactor and would like to show school children the life ways of the expedition members. Whatever your skill or interest, please visit our volunteer page to find out where volunteer opportunities exist that may help you achieve your goals.

Partner Contributions
Another way to ensure the legacy of Lewis and Clark, the integrity of the land and water, and the untold stories of our American heritage is to partner with the trail.

Partnerships have led to the creation of great exhibits, much needed research, interactive websites, innovative programs and valuable education lesson plans. They have helped to increase an understanding between cultures and have prohibited resource degradation. The possibilities to support the trail are numerous, many of which have not yet been discovered.

Riverfront Books at Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail headquarters in Omaha, NE is one of dozens of bookstores that carry items unique to the Lewis and Clark story. Our bookstore is a Western National Parks Association (WNPA) bookstore, one that directly supports programming and operations at Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail headquarters from the purchases made. WNPA entered a cooperating agreement with the National Park Service to do so.

Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation:
The Foundation, with its 36 chapters, provides national leadership to preserve the Lewis and Clark Trail and its stories. The Foundation has a 15-member Board of Directors and a National Advisory Council.

Last updated: June 26, 2019

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

601 Riverfront Dr.
Omaha, NE 68102


402 661-1804

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