A public reminder about water levels.

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Date: March 4, 2016
Contact: Dan A. Foster, 509-754-7812


During the months of March through May, Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area waters will continue to drop to accommodate annual repairs to Grand Coulee Dam. This will expose many areas of beach that are normally covered during high water seasons.

With this in mind, the visiting public should be reminded of the following prohibited practices:

36 C.F.R. 1.5 Closure
All beaches and areas exposed during reservoir drawdowns are considered off road sites and are therefore closed to vehicles, off-road vehicles, and bicycles.

36 C.F.R. 2.1 (a) (2) Cultural and Archaeological Resources
Cultural and Archaeological Resources may not be possessed, destroyed, injured, defaced or removed. 

 If you believe you have inadvertently discovered a cultural artifact or see others violating these rules, please contact the National Park Service (through a county dispatch) at 509-684-2555 in the north or 509-725-3501 in the south areas of Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area.

Your support and cooperation is critical in protecting these natural and cultural resources today, and for future generations.

Thank you for your support,
Dan A. Foster

Last updated: March 4, 2016

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Mailing Address:

Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area
1008 Crest Drive

Coulee Dam, WA 99116


Please leave a detailed message if no one answers your call. Our rangers are often out talking to visitors.

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