Black Locust Tree Removal Plan 2016

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Date: February 3, 2016
Contact: Kieth Holliday, 509-754-7858

Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area is seeking input on the draft Black Locust Removal Action Plan concerning the removal and control of black locust trees from within the park. This Action Plan outlines the steps that the Park Service will take remove and control the spread of this non-native invasive tree species, focusing on the area of the Old Kettle Falls town site as well as other less impacted areas throughout the park.

The Action Plan is available for viewing on the parks website at and on the Planning, Environment and Public Comment (PEPC) site at . Comments can be submitted electronically on the PEPC site or can be mailed to the park at:

National Park Service

C/O Jon Edwards

1368 Kettle Park Rd

Kettle Falls, WA 99141


Last updated: February 3, 2016

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1008 Crest Drive

Coulee Dam, WA 99116


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