China Bend Climbing Area Closed at Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area to Protect Nesting Raptors

Map showing closure area around China Bend.
China Bend Closure Area


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News Release Date: April 6, 2016

Contact: Keith Holliday, 509-754-7858

 Under signature of Superintendent Dan Foster, an area of the China Bend climbing area on the west side of the reservoir has been closed to all public use. The closure is in effect to protect nesting raptors in the area from April 6, 2016 to July 15, 2016. 

The closure includes NPS-managed lands at the west end of the cliff formation known as the China Bend climbing area's "Main Wall". A map of the closure will be available at park headquarters and on the park website:

Each year, Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area may initiate temporary closures in areas of the park to ensure birds of prey (raptors) are undisturbed during their breeding and nesting seasons. As breeding and nesting data are collected, additional closures may be necessary, or closures may be lifted. 

Hikers and climbers in the area area are asked to respect the closure in order to help protect the area's natural resources. When necessary, park rangers will issue citations to persons violating the terms of this closure under authority of Title 36 Code of Federal Regulations 1.5.

Last updated: April 6, 2016

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