Your Fee Dollars At Work

A construction worker with white hard hat and bright orange shirt works with yellow backhoe to improve concrete pad in campground. Lake Mead is in the background.
Your fee dollars help fund a better experience at Boulder Beach Campground.

NPS photo by Andrew Cattoir

Your Dollars Make a Big Difference

Did you know that when you come to Lake Mead National Recreation Area, 80 percent of your entrance fee stays right here? Under the Federal Recreation Lands Enhancement Act, national parks are authorized to use entrance fees to fund critical projects to improve visitor use and enjoyment, education, safety and preservation of the park.

That means that the money you hand the ranger at the entrance booth is being put to use at Lake Mead to make the park – and your visit – better. Some improvements take place behind-the-scenes. Others may be a direct part of your park experience.

Over the past several years, millions of dollars in fee revenue has been used to:

  • Extend launch ramps, allowing the park to maintain lake access during the prolonged drought
  • Maintain floating sanitation stations for visitor convenience
  • Provide aids to navigation during fluctuating water levels
  • Rehabilitate the Song Dog Plant Nursery greenhouses to provide native plants for park landscaping
  • Publish and distribute park maps and newspapers Install exhibits at the historic town of St. Thomas
  • Develop a virtual museum to showcase the park's cultural resources
  • Install weather buoys to keep visitors informed of hazardous weather conditions
  • Replace the Katherine Landing Fishing Pier and rehabilitate fish cleaning stations
  • Provide educational outreach programs

We also have plans for future projects that will help ensure the best possible visitor experience. Future projects include:

  • Campground renovations at Callville Bay, Katherine Landing, Cottonwood Cove, Las Vegas Bay and Temple Bar

  • Updates to the Lake Mead Visitor Center exhibits and landscaping

Lake Mead also relies on volunteers and donations to provide the highest level of service possible. Thank you for your support.


Recent Projects Supported by Fee Dollars

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    Your Fee Dollars at Work

    Last updated: September 2, 2020

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    601 Nevada Way
    Boulder City, NV 89005


    702 293-8990
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