Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site is a pet friendly park. Visitors often want to take advantage of the park trails to get furry friends out and moving. The National Park Service encourages visitors to walk their pets as part of the Healthy People Healthy Parks initiative. When walking pets at Knife River Indian Villages NHS, make sure to keep in mind the principles of B.A.R.K.:
Bag your pet’s waste and properly dispose of it in a trash can.
Always leash your pet on a 6 ft. leash or shorter
Respect wildlife.
Know where you can go with your pet. Pets are welcome on the open grounds and trails, however pets are not allowed in the visitor center.
The park offers the BARK Ranger program. Take a hike on the main village trail to the Knife River and earn a BARK Ranger badge for your dog.
Service Dogs are only dogs allowed in Visitor Center
To learn more about the BARK Ranger program visit the National Park Service webpage