Open House and Presentation - calumet cultural landscape report

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Date: November 30, 2011

Date: Thursday, December 8, 2011

Location: Park Headquarters, 25970 Red Jacket Road, Calumet, MI 49930

Contact: Steve DeLong, 906-483-3022

Cultural landscape reports provide park managers with an understanding of the history, evolution, and historical significance of historic landscapes. They inform thoughtful management and preservation of these properties and recommend future landscape treatment.

Keweenaw National Historical Park is developing a cultural landscape report for the Calumet Unit. The National Park Service will host a public open house and presentation to gather input and provide information related to the project.

4:00 p.m. - 6:15 pm Public Open House

Material related to the Cultural Landscape Report will be displayed for viewing at your own pace. Project team members will be available to discuss issues related to the project one-on-one. Please come learn about the project and share your ideas, suggestion, and concerns related to the future of the Calumet Unit. Landscapes addressed in the report include: Calumet Historic District Sites, Italian Hall Site, Red Jacket Road Corridor, Agassiz Park, Osceola No. 13, Mine Street Corridor, Railroad Grade / Recreational Corridor

6:15 p.m. - 7:00 pm  Presentation

An overview of the history and analysis of the significant cultural landscapes related to the Calumet Unit will be presented, followed by an introduction to the preliminary landscape design concepts being considered for sites related to the Calumet Unit.

Last updated: April 10, 2015

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